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Extended warranties

They offer a 2/24 ?
They have endless options, so you need the Agent to show you the Full list.
They usually try to narrow it down for you, because it can get overwhelming, with all the Y/Mi variations.

What's avil to you, will be dependent on your VIN.
However, for someone that has existing warranty, I don't think you can buy less than you already have.

Buying a short warranty addition later, might still cost similar, but you wouldn't have to give up the money now.
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My original warranty was 4/50 so I added an additional 3/25... if you look at the screenshot I provided above @lunarx
Right, we only get 4/50 Bumper to Bumper, I should have read the Window Sticker : /
Although the 6/70 PowerTrain is also baked into your extension.

I'm a fan of the Cadillac Protection Plan, but my agent (now retired) was good enough to advise me, not to buy them until just before my factory coverage expired.
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A 2/24 after warranty is essentially the same as a 6/75 (and last I checked wasn't available thru GM.) Difference typically is that it's cheaper to buy up front than on the backside for the same coverage. Pro ration period starts when factory warranty collapses either way.
A 2/24 after warranty is essentially the same as a 6/75 (and last I checked wasn't available thru GM.) Difference typically is that it's cheaper to buy up front than on the backside for the same coverage. Pro ration period starts when factory warranty collapses either way.

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