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I'm a liar

I think it's one of the only truly beautiful modern cars around.

And yes, everything you touch feels special and bespoke. The only exceptions are the cheap ass stalks lol.

My budget was only putting me in '06-08 small motor cars. They were fine. I lucked out with this '14 and borderline stole it.

It's been striking up conversations wherever it goes be it the car wash or gas station.

I met with my detailer for a PPF strategy. We are going to do ceramic tint and dechrome the rest of the trim, nothing that can't easily be returned to stock. I am not a fan of the wheels so they'll be replaced with gunmetal ones in 12 months or so.

Oh, and the upgraded mid level Alpine is the best car audio I've had from the factory.
I’ve driven this exact year Vantage, truly an experience car. The most unsafe or risky I felt in it was reversing from a parking spot in a busy lot lol. All torque, lurch, and no visibility.

Still my dream non-daily car. Congrats.

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