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CT4-V CT4 V blackwing vs RS3 6 months later

Cadillac CT4-V model


Seasoned Member
Aug 23, 2022
san francisco
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2023 CT4 V blackwing
I wrote a lengthy comparison when my wife first got her RS3 and wanted to write a 6 month update after 5K miles across both cars.

Going to focus primarily on driving experience and a little on the interior since nothing much has changed with the exterior impressions, still get a lot of compliments on both cars. The RS3 is just as rare as the blackwing around here so we still get plenty of what's that car.

Interior and technology-
The RS3 has far more rattles 5k miles later than the blackwing. I am hearing squeaks from the sunroof and a general fair bit more noise in the RS3. The blackwing feels as solid as a tank- no squeaks, rattles and the loudest noise is my kid's child seat moving around. With longer term usage I also appreciate the technology in the blackwing a bit more, the RS3 does not auto lock if you walk away with the key in the car(drives me nuts.) It also does not do memory based on the keys and instead relies on some profiles which is needlessly complex and does not work. Another small thing which drives me crazy, the garage opener does not work once ignition is turned off. Its still a more practical car(more room and adaptive cruise) so its seeing more regular use for school pickups and drop offs etc. I find the seats in the RS3 a bit more comfortable for longer distances. They hold you kinda well but are not as hard as the blackwing. But overall whoever dismisses GM interior quality and technology has not actually spent any time in similar german cars.

Drive experience-
This is where my opinion has shifted most significantly. The ride on the RS3 has somehow gotten worse in the last 6 months and is overly harsh even in the softest setting. It crashes over bumps and sends every small imperfection into the cabin. The blackwing on the other hand feels like a limo. all I hear and feel is a thump and the bump is muffled. The steering in the blackwing is leagues and miles better than the RS3. Its not even close. The blackwing feels more special as an experience and every time I want to actually feel something I drive the blackwing.

The RS3 has become the errand and highway car and the blackwing is saved for weekend canyon carving etc. The manual and steering feel plays a huge part in that, the RS3 is mostly engine, practicality and not much more.
I'm glad your liking the Blackwing and I agree with your opinions...the seats are bit on the hard side...but I find them supremely comfortable for me even on long trips (and wife was good with them as well). I think Caddy has implemented most of the tech and controls brilliantly. I like having options...and for the most part am happy with my choices, A few nits - but nothing I can't live with.

I'm sorry the RS3 is having its issues and isn't measuring up in all areas. I've had a long time love for that car since it first came out and the new one seems better in almost every way. Funny how the intangibles do make a difference. If it came in MT I'd probably be driving one instead of the blackwing (I do love that engine)...and if it was a wagon/sportback....my dream.

All that being said I'm happy for the CT 4 V BW over the Audi as much as I've lusted after that car for years. (and I already decided on a BMW M2 comp over the RS3 if it came to that due to MT primarily)...but then I discovered the BW (how I wasn't even thinking ATS-V before I can't really explain...).

I don't like the new M2 much at all...and other M cars are way to huuuuge for me...I do sometimes wish we got the M2 comp (I like smaller)...but am satisfied with the Caddy which overall is the better car for us. I wish it was as easily (and cheaply) tuned as the M2 is though...I really like what an engaging drive it can be.

I would love a CT 4 V BW sportback or wagon...
I totally agree with you on the solidity feeling of the 4bw. The 4bw feels materially more rigid than the c8 z06 and about the same as the R8.
Another small thing which drives me crazy, the garage opener does not work once ignition is turned off.
I wish this was an configurable option. My wife's SUV sits outside and the opener does work with ignition off, so we can't use the opener buttons on the vehicle for risk someone breaks into it and gets the garage door (where the fast toys park) to open. Her old SUV button didn't work without it started, but it spent most of its time parked in the garage.
A bit off topic but do the CT4 V BW's carbon fiber seats (only found in the special editions) work & feel the same as the regular upgraded seats?
Is it just that the back that changes from suede to carbon fiber?
A bit off topic but do the CT4 V BW's carbon fiber seats (only found in the special editions) work & feel the same as the regular upgraded seats?
Is it just that the back that changes from suede to carbon fiber?View attachment 26186
Yes, feel the same purely 100% aesthetic with a few added creaking sounds for your enjoyment!
Yes, feel the same purely 100% aesthetic with a few added creaking sounds for your enjoyment!
My 4BW is rattle/squeak free with the single exception of regular squeaking from the carbon fiber seat back. I can minimize the noise by sitting in the back seat and pushing on the perimeter of the seats before I drive. Not something I think I should have to do.

I'm going to investigate a fix or if that isn't possible, what is under the carbon fiber? Don
OP - this is further proof of what I have been saying for the last 20+ years: the Germans lost the ability to make truly fun cars. The Americans and Japanese have been making some of the most fun to drive cars, be they Evos or Type Rs or Blackwings or Hellcats or GT350s etc.
FWIW, My carbon backed seats do not make any noise. No squeaks or creaks.
I'll mention that to the service manager and see what his response is. So far, I think the dealership is a good one. Don
FWIW, My carbon backed seats do not make any noise. No squeaks or creaks.
Mine will creak slightly if I push/press my back really hard against the seat. But during driving, no noises. Maybe heavier people may get noises?
Interesting. It must be a car to car thing. Mine don't make noise even when you touch them. His seems really bad with noise.
It's a massive piece of plastic folks! Put a Fat American in there and listen to creak away in spirited driving? Your not getting around it and GM isn't spending extra coin on R&D to ensure the seat back never creaks. But hey Fat Liberal Americans can keep on eating because they now have an injectable drug to skinny them up while eating crap!
It's a massive piece of plastic folks! Put a Fat American in there and listen to creak away in spirited driving? Your not getting around it and GM isn't spending extra coin on R&D to ensure the seat back never creaks. But hey Fat Liberal Americans can keep on eating because they now have an injectable drug to skinny them up while eating crap!
Did you read my response? I'm 6'2" and 177, not heavy. Despite being 76, I do better at the gym than the vast majority of guys half my age. Don

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