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Who here will be getting the carbon fiber packages?

Actually its other way around, the automatic consoles are very different, the ride mode switch is in front of shifter in CT5-V Blackwing and the phone/storage in front is a lot bigger. CT4-V Blackwing auto console has ride mode switch by arm rest and smaller front phone/storage area. The manuals are exactly the same.
what's the other way around @Mirza Grebovic? Maybe you are taking my comment out of context. Nino showed a picture of the CT4-V blackwing (automatic) and Tall Steve was comparing it to his CT5-V series (automatic) interior.
I was just letting Tall Steve that the CT5-V Series and the CT5-V Blackwing consoles would be the same...with some nicer materials of course. The Manual cars will have a different console though.
Please correct me if I'm not right.
Sorry you are correct on above I thought you compared CT4 vs CT5.
Rocker molding is the painted rocker, extension is an extra piece that is snapped i to the rocker molding. It comes in gloss black standard or if you select CFV, in a different more agressive design in carbon fiber. It goes from fro t to back so very long AND the carbon is a different design, looks more agressive and flares out more especially by rear door.

I ordered both carbon packages since the second one compliments the look of the functional one and you get carbon fiber from all angles of the car front to back. One of those I didnt want to wake up and regret not having.

Ungwei, order the BTH wheel even if you do only want the sport/standard seat. Make sure that RPO is selected. I am not sure where the assumption of wheel will be included in first 250 came from, would hate for you to miss out on that amazing wheel because of $500, I will try to get this clarified for sure.

All views and opinions on here are my own and not those of Cadillac or GM.
Mirza, want to ask more about the cf2 package on the 5. Is there a difference in size/shape with and without the package? I can see a diffuser difference in the brochure.....is it really that much nicer going to carbon? Lastly, my car will be in Black Raven, in your opinion, taking into account exactly what you stated already, "didn't want to wake up and regret not having", would you get the cf2 package on the 5? Appreciate your thoughts. Jeff
Jeff, I would absolutely go carbon cf2 especially on a raven car. It just completes the look so much better and the rocker and valance matches the more aggressive cf1 package. The entire rear valance is carbon, it is a very large piece and looks amazing, breaks up the all gloss black rear on a raven car.
Jeff, I would absolutely go carbon cf2 especially on a raven car. It just completes the look so much better and the rocker and valance matches the more aggressive cf1 package. The entire rear valance is carbon, it is a very large piece and looks amazing, breaks up the all gloss black rear on a raven car.
Thank you Mirza. I had a feeling I would be missing something if I don't add it. Added it this morning.
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Ungwei, so are you ordering both carbon packages? I went ahead and did it. Now I’m like $10k over my budget but like so many have said, why not. Never have a car like this again.
Ungwei, so are you ordering both carbon packages? I went ahead and did it. Now I’m like $10k over my budget but like so many have said, why not. Never have a car like this again.
Honestly I still think I'm gonna just go with the first package, I just wish I could see the difference in real life! If I ended up going for it though, my car would be almost the same options as @Mirza Grebovic haha. Really worried I'll regret not getting it but I have a little time to decide I suppose. I've never had carbon fiber anything in a car before so I struggle to visualize the difference it would make in person vs the piano black.
The first one gives the most visual benefit and likely handling benefit. After Mr Mirza answered my question on the second one I am sold the offset of carbon vs piano black will be nice. And I just can’t get over the feeling I will be missing out if I don’t get it now. Same reason I went with semi analine seats two weeks ago. But these options are dang expensive
The first one gives the most visual benefit and likely handling benefit. After Mr Mirza answered my question on the second one I am sold the offset of carbon vs piano black will be nice. And I just can’t get over the feeling I will be missing out if I don’t get it now. Same reason I went with semi analine seats two weeks ago. But these options are dang expensive
CF2 is not the same between the 4 & 5. The 5 gets the entire rear valance in carbon fiber where the 4 is just partial.
Yes i added the second package Friday. Mirza said the contrast is awesome in raven. I’m trusting him but confident I won’t be disappointed. This whole process has been very difficult not being able to see these cars in person in all colors.
Yes i added the second package Friday. Mirza said the contrast is awesome in raven. I’m trusting him but confident I won’t be disappointed. This whole process has been very difficult not being able to see these cars in person in all colors.
I do understand the idea of breaking up the black paint with the carbon fiber. It's one of the reasons I'm not getting the black wheels. I'm worried that the rear may look too thick without the carbon fiber rear defuser to contrast the paint.
In the end what matters most is how they drive. We’ll forget all of this once we start them up.
Are you going to be getting both packages? I think the rift metallic is gonna look pretty awesome with the carbon fiber.
I am.
Honestly I still think I'm gonna just go with the first package, I just wish I could see the difference in real life! If I ended up going for it though, my car would be almost the same options as @Mirza Grebovic haha. Really worried I'll regret not getting it but I have a little time to decide I suppose. I've never had carbon fiber anything in a car before so I struggle to visualize the difference it would make in person vs the piano black.
The red car has some good shots of the carbon rocker and rear with detail. You can compare that to the blue car. See link.


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