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Who here will be getting the carbon fiber packages?

This is the one question that nobody from Cadillac seems to want to answer. I’ve asked Meagan Quinn in the V marketing dept. and @Mirza Grebovic on here with no answer yet. Hopefully they are just busy and not avoiding the question. This is becoming a hot topic now that the reservations are into 3000 status and beyond.
I am definitely interested and curious.
I know everyone is eager and not avoiding the question just we dont know yet because as you guys see orders just started moving. I am not directly involved in orders and that process so dont want to comment in error so please take this with a grain of salt from me. The first 250 are not even done yet by just talking to folks that have a reservation (500 dealers/customers thats a lot!) hard to give an answer on what will happen after without these done. The big machine of getting ready to produce cars just turned on (lots of logistics, making of parts scheduling etc.). Meagen is probably working 72hrs in a day so shes not avoiding shes just busy getting the machine going for us all. I am sure in next few weeks more will come out for waitlist customers since by then the first 250 will be completed, is my guess. I know how you guys feel, I am in same boat to an extent and I dont even know when my car will be produced. I am always go for first year and in past have waited 9 months for my cars so again, I understand the anticipation but we ll know soon I am sure.
I know everyone is eager and not avoiding the question just we dont know yet because as you guys see orders just started moving. I am not directly involved in orders and that process so dont want to comment in error so please take this with a grain of salt from me. The first 250 are not even done yet by just talking to folks that have a reservation (500 dealers/customers thats a lot!) hard to give an answer on what will happen after without these done. The big machine of getting ready to produce cars just turned on (lots of logistics, making of parts scheduling etc.). Meagen is probably working 72hrs in a day so shes not avoiding shes just busy getting the machine going for us all. I am sure in next few weeks more will come out for waitlist customers since by then the first 250 will be completed, is my guess. I know how you guys feel, I am in same boat to an extent and I dont even know when my car will be produced. I am always go for first year and in past have waited 9 months for my cars so again, I understand the anticipation but we ll know soon I am sure.
Your TPW is 07/19 per Rob’s table.
Targeted is the key word here in this new world of unexpected events.
I have to believe the chip issue and all other supplier issues will make this that much more difficult to schedule yet alone produce cars. I am glad to see that at least at this point Cadillac has met their communicated goal for production to start on July 5th....at least on paper. Should be good news for most of us anyway. Hopefully waitlisted orders start showing up in the next few weeks as well. And I honestly have to believe no one wants to communicate dates that they cannot meet due to the damn covid driven economy. Can't blame anyone at Cadillac for being noncommittal.
Anything can happen however, I can’t believe that they would have gone forward with scheduling production if there were any known supply chain issues.
I know everyone is eager and not avoiding the question just we dont know yet because as you guys see orders just started moving. I am not directly involved in orders and that process so dont want to comment in error so please take this with a grain of salt from me. The first 250 are not even done yet by just talking to folks that have a reservation (500 dealers/customers thats a lot!) hard to give an answer on what will happen after without these done. The big machine of getting ready to produce cars just turned on (lots of logistics, making of parts scheduling etc.). Meagen is probably working 72hrs in a day so shes not avoiding shes just busy getting the machine going for us all. I am sure in next few weeks more will come out for waitlist customers since by then the first 250 will be completed, is my guess. I know how you guys feel, I am in same boat to an extent and I dont even know when my car will be produced. I am always go for first year and in past have waited 9 months for my cars so again, I understand the anticipation but we ll know soon I am sure.
Thanks mirza.... how about getting some more people directly involved with production in this site to help answer questions..... paying north of $100k for a vehicle, would be a nice customer service gesture.... the c8 corvette is still a shit show w regards to production schedules, but thats a $60k base model Sorry just venting.....just curious, what gm model did you wait 9 months for....
Thanks mirza.... how about getting some more people directly involved with production in this site to help answer questions..... paying north of $100k for a vehicle, would be a nice customer service gesture.... the c8 corvette is still a shit show w regards to production schedules, but thats a $60k base model Sorry just venting.....just curious, what gm model did you wait 9 months for....
So there are dates tpw for 7/5 , 7/12, 7/19 and 7/26 How many of the 500 4’s and 5’s does that cover.... thanks
damn, wasn't trying to open a can of worms hahaha...thank you though for your honesty @Mirza Grebovic. I can understand that its likely a logistical nightmare. It's just frustrating being on the waitlist since 1 FEB 21 and not ever having any information sent out by Cadillac saying "you're number XX of XXX on the waitlist" or Cadillac pushing information out stating when we should order our cars or anything for that matter. The reservation list people know that they will be in the first 250 but the rest of us are completely left in the dark. Thats where the frustration stems from. a little communication would have been nice on GM's part.
Thanks mirza.... how about getting some more people directly involved with production in this site to help answer questions..... paying north of $100k for a vehicle, would be a nice customer service gesture.... the c8 corvette is still a shit show w regards to production schedules, but thats a $60k base model Sorry just venting.....just curious, what gm model did you wait 9 months for....
My 2013 SS 1LE camaro, One of the first ones. Got it in winter, october/november 2012 if I recall had a day or two and parked in garage for 6 months too after that. As far as more people involved on production updates nobody can gurantee so the updates are all targets but I will ask on waitlist and see if team can provide something at least in the V Club forums.
Thanks mirza.... how about getting some more people directly involved with production in this site to help answer questions..... paying north of $100k for a vehicle, would be a nice customer service gesture.... the c8 corvette is still a shit show w regards to production schedules, but thats a $60k base model Sorry just venting.....just curious, what gm model did you wait 9 months for....
So there are dates tpw for 7/5 , 7/12, 7/19 and 7/26 How many of the 500 4’s and 5’s does that cover.... thanks
damn, wasn't trying to open a can of worms hahaha...thank you though for your honesty @Mirza Grebovic. I can understand that its likely a logistical nightmare. It's just frustrating being on the waitlist since 1 FEB 21 and not ever having any information sent out by Cadillac saying "you're number XX of XXX on the waitlist" or Cadillac pushing information out stating when we should order our cars or anything for that matter. The reservation list people know that they will be in the first 250 but the rest of us are completely left in the dark. Thats where the frustration stems from. a little communication would have been nice on GM's part.
arod221... its not just a matter of when u placed your order outside of the initial 250 to be on a waitlist.... it has to do with allocations to a dealer..... if it is a dealer with past years proven v sales, that dealer will get the most allocations first... correct me if im wrong
damn, wasn't trying to open a can of worms hahaha...thank you though for your honesty @Mirza Grebovic. I can understand that its likely a logistical nightmare. It's just frustrating being on the waitlist since 1 FEB 21 and not ever having any information sent out by Cadillac saying "you're number XX of XXX on the waitlist" or Cadillac pushing information out stating when we should order our cars or anything for that matter. The reservation list people know that they will be in the first 250 but the rest of us are completely left in the dark. Thats where the frustration stems from. a little communication would have been nice on GM's part.
Just put your order in is best advice I can give you right now. Dont just stay on waitlist without order.
My 2013 SS 1LE camaro, One of the first ones. Got it in winter, october/november 2012 if I recall had a day or two and parked in garage for 6 months too after that. As far as more people involved on production updates nobody can gurantee so the updates are all targets but I will ask on waitlist and see if team can provide something at least in the V Club forums.
I remember that fiasco.... dont think there was a dealer nationwide accepting msrp for the that gen camaro.....
Just put your order in is best advice I can give you right now. Dont just stay on waitlist without order.
Think it just boils down to so many people so excited to get a blackwing..... some more transparency from gm in the coming weeks from folks lime me on the wait list is in order.....
Just put your order in is best advice I can give you right now. Dont just stay on waitlist without order.
I've got an order placed... but I'm worried about GM doing some allocation nonsense and canceling it because my dealer doesn't do enough V business. Or that because I skipped the 250/waitlist because I don't care about the special edition plaque.

I guess time will tell. Put money down, and got a signed order from the dealer, but I'm not counting on much until I've got at least a VIN!
I've got an order placed... but I'm worried about GM doing some allocation nonsense and canceling it because my dealer doesn't do enough V business. Or that because I skipped the 250/waitlist because I don't care about the special edition plaque.

I guess time will tell. Put money down, and got a signed order from the dealer, but I'm not counting on much until I've got at least a VIN!
Well said... but the fact remains... the biggest v dealers get the most and first allocations.... always beem that way.....
Well said... but the fact remains... the biggest v dealers get the most and first allocations.... always beem that way.....
I know everyone is eager and not avoiding the question just we dont know yet because as you guys see orders just started moving. I am not directly involved in orders and that process so dont want to comment in error so please take this with a grain of salt from me. The first 250 are not even done yet by just talking to folks that have a reservation (500 dealers/customers thats a lot!) hard to give an answer on what will happen after without these done. The big machine of getting ready to produce cars just turned on (lots of logistics, making of parts scheduling etc.). Meagen is probably working 72hrs in a day so shes not avoiding shes just busy getting the machine going for us all. I am sure in next few weeks more will come out for waitlist customers since by then the first 250 will be completed, is my guess. I know how you guys feel, I am in same boat to an extent and I dont even know when my car will be produced. I am always go for first year and in past have waited 9 months for my cars so again, I I understand the anticipation but we ll know soon I am sure.
Thank you for the information. I enjoyed meeting everyone I am going to take a break from hear. I got plenty of training to do. I will pop in every now and then. It has been a great forum. I am definitely excited for everyone in the top 250. Singing off Semper Fi
I was doing fine and you guys got me all worked up into a frenzy again this afternoon. I had to reach out to my sales rep since we haven’t had any contact in about 6 weeks or so. He replied right away and basically said, you’re still at 1100, Blackwing production begins on 7/5. Not helpful. So I replied and said ok, thanks but what I really wanted to know was if he had any idea of their allocations for my22 yet. He told me that he didn’t have that info yet but I was the only one with a waitlist order at this dealer. I thanked him and said I’d continue to be patient. I feel better now.

On another note, I paid my ‘18 V off yesterday. I think I’m going to see what I can get for it in this insane used market. Better than trading it in in 6 months, that’s for sure.
Guys, remember Mirza is an engineer, not a production specialist, bean counter, PR wonk, or supply chain manager.

We’re getting impatient with the head chef at the restaurant regarding the long wait at the door. And this head chef is sharing recipes with his rabid fans :)

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