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Who here will be getting the carbon fiber packages?

Anything can happen however, I can’t believe that they would have gone forward with scheduling production if there were any know supply chain issues.
Guys, remember Mirza is an engineer, not a production specialist, bean counter, PR wonk, or supply chain manager.

We’re getting impatient with the head chef at the restaurant regarding the long wait at the door. And this head chef is sharing recipes with his rabid fans :)
Thank you for saying what I was thinking. Let’s not chase Mirza away.
I was doing fine and you guys got me all worked up into a frenzy again this afternoon. I had to reach out to my sales rep since we haven’t had any contact in about 6 weeks or so. He replied right away and basically said, you’re still at 1100, Blackwing production begins on 7/5. Not helpful. So I replied and said ok, thanks but what I really wanted to know was if he had any idea of their allocations for my22 yet. He told me that he didn’t have that info yet but I was the only one with a waitlist order at this dealer. I thanked him and said I’d continue to be patient. I feel better now.

On another note, I paid my ‘18 V off yesterday. I think I’m going to see what I can get for it in this insane used market. Better than trading it in in 6 months, that’s for sure.
Carmax and Edmunds are giving some of the best offers.
After talking to Meagan last weekend I feel she is doing everything she can to get these cars produced and like @Mirza Grebovic said she is probably working CrAzY hours. Think about this, she was in Dallas over a holiday weekend to show the Blackwings off only to go back home Sunday night and then start her busy week off again.. I have been hard on Cadillac in the past but see it a little different now and think if we all take a step back and a deep breath we will be ok, and we will get our BW's in due time...

I think i read somewhere that Meagan said that the waitlist customers were going to end up with a car and everything was going to work out...(I can't remember where)

If I were not a reservation holder I would be doing business with a dealer with a large V allocation... My sales guy confirmed to me that they got 21 reservation and some were from out of state......

I wish everyone luck and hope you all get your Blackwings!

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