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What did you do to your Blackwing today?

So the 4BW went on a ripper of a drive today, ~370mi of which 240mi were a twisty eden of bliss. Basically 8-9 25mi sections of rural obscurity with intervening higher speed 2 lane highway in the middle of nowhere.

That was the intention. Somehow, someway, someone thought to do a full blown bicycle race...on a weekday...in the middle of nowhere western NM...talking a full blown Peloton of 100+ cyclists, supports vehicles, cops, more cops, motorcycle support vehicles...

Wouldnt have been so bad if they hadnt insisted I drive my car off the road into a 8" dropoff shoulder. I just stopped as far to the side of the lane as I could without grinding my undercarriage into a powder...boulder in a river of bicycles... got a lot of mean looks and stink eyes and more than a couple motorcycles telling me I needed to be in the actual bushes for their comfort.

Still, my takeaways are that the 4s Tires are superb, Sport PTM is a cheat code, and the heat management on this car is legit. Temps were 55-78f at an elevation between 4000-8500' and the car handled it all with poise. Truly a road beast and shrinks around you in a way my SS never did.
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@SynisterAZ .......couldn't agree more. Hope you had as much fun as I think you did. No offense to anyone here, but some (most) of these bicyclists are complete a**holes, especially the ones who think they're "professionals". I always try to be respectful and give a wide birth as I go around, but some are just ignorant.
One of my guilty pleasures is watching youtube videos of trucks rolling coal on groups of bicyclists. As a cyclist of sorts myself I make sure to obey the rules of the road just like a car or motorcycle. The idiots that don't deserve all the coal.
Changed my differential fluid, as suggested after 1500 miles and prior to track use.

What is the fill amount? Was the bottom plug the magnet?
The bottom plug was clean and I didn't check to see if it was magnetic, unfortunately. The fill amount is 1.37 qts, but the maintenance instructions say to fill until fluid is equal with the bottom of the fill plug. Once fluid started to come out of the fill plug I closed it up. Based on what I had left, that amount seems correct. Easy peasy, except for the need to have a T70 torx bit.
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The plug is not magnetic and a 14mm hex will also work. Torque on both plugs is 50Nm.
Finally got to drive it. Oddly enough I passed 2 of the first BW's I've seen on the road. A satin 5 and a black 4.
They're OEM but I painted them myself. I started with two coats of Black Raven (WA 8555). That was to match the color of the V badges which I got from Savage (Oliver told me they use black raven). After that, I just ran a bead of caulk over the front to fill in the letters and wiped away excess with damp sponge. Had to hit it with a second coat of caulk after the first coat dried to really make the letters flush. Finally, hit it with two coats of GM clear coat.

For the caulk, I just used DAP exterior siding and door in light gray color to match the gray/off-white stripe in V flag.

It was a bit involved, but worth it since I wasn't keen on the 0fx2gv pieces for the exact reason that you stated. The only thing I would do different next time is put a down a layer of clear coat before doing the caulk. While the caulk came off cleanly with the damp sponge, it did leave a very thin layer on the black raven that dulled it slightly. The clear coat might help prevent that but not entirely sure.
Thanks for the inspiration and the instructions. Very happy with how it turned out!

Most of Long Island weekends have been a wash out for car meets. The next big one is rescheduled for May 7th at Tobay Beach at Jones Beach. It usually gets 500 - 1000 cars.
Most of Long Island weekends have been a wash out for car meets. The next big one is rescheduled for May 7th at Tobay Beach at Jones Beach. It usually gets 500 - 1000 cars.
There is a FB page on LI meets ..there are tons of local ones.... maybe you, me and @jwolf99 can meet up for a mini BW meet 😄. Haven't seen a single other BW aside from @jwolf99. Here is the FB LI meet page Long Island Car Meets/Shows | Facebook
I usually take my 67 Caddy or Dodge Challenger to local shows at Bellmore Train Station on Fridays and Deer Park Ave. on Saturdays. Next Sunday, my Cadillac club wants to hit a show all the way in Staten Island. Depending on the weather, I may take the ride to Staten Island. I just wish that I could get a good Cadillac engine guy to repair my rear main seal leak on my 67'. I have one guy who is going to take a whack at it before I end up having to drive all the way up to Maine to get an engine block.
I'm down with a Long Island meet up. DP is ccol too for me as I grew up there ans I cruised the Avenue pretty often. Would be cool to hit the old stomping grounds.
I usually take my 67 Caddy or Dodge Challenger to local shows at Bellmore Train Station on Fridays and Deer Park Ave. on Saturdays. Next Sunday, my Cadillac club wants to hit a show all the way in Staten Island. Depending on the weather, I may take the ride to Staten Island. I just wish that I could get a good Cadillac engine guy to repair my rear main seal leak on my 67'. I have one guy who is going to take a whack at it before I end up having to drive all the way up to Maine to get an engine block.
What kinda forum is this? No one suggested an LS swap yet?
I can confirm GM makes OEM black badges (not painted, but black plastic) under part number 85104905 for the CT4 BW. I was thinking to get the 0fx2gv badges, but at $189 for them verses $200 shipped for factory badges, I went with GM. Cadillac's accessory website lists them at $250, but you can find cheaper at other online parts sites.

I already had black V badges I got from ebay (cheap $10 ones, but good quality), but wanted everything to match with the blackwing badge so I replaced them all.

I might do the caulk trick to fill in the blackwing badge at some point - the above examples look really good 👍




Edit: they come with an AWD badge for some reason.
Finished my pressure washer setup with the exception of installing an outlet on this side of the garage. This makes washing the 4BW a much quicker process! Yes, this is a straight rip-off of the obsessed garage setup.

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