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The Blackwing Spotting Thread

White 4BW this morning coming off I-280 around Milbury/Woodville OH this morning - speak up now! First one I've seen in this area!
Sunday the 28th, sometime between 6-630 pm eastbound 96 near Southfield fwy. I THINK this is a BW, but it's missing the blackwing badge under the V....
It's probably a 2022. I got my badge, but it's still in the box and I probably won't install it just because...it's a 2022.
It's probably a 2022. I got my badge, but it's still in the box and I probably won't install it just because...it's a 2022.
Is that considered up-badging? I thought Cadillac set those out to owners of previous years?
Is that considered up-badging? I thought Cadillac set those out to owners of previous years?
I don't know what it's considered, but yeah they were made available to us '22 owners when the '23s came out with trunk badges.
Will 23 owners now get badges for the sides since the 24s came with those? Lol
Not going to lie, I sometimes fantasize about replacing my V badge (I didn't get the Blackwing badge on my '22) with a "350 T"
Just debadge the car. I get a lot of people at lights going "Is that a blackwing?!" and I'm like "Absolutely!" and they're like "Damn sweet car"

I love this damn thing.
approaching 2 years with 11,000 miles (debadged) and no one has ever asked if it is a Blackwing. Lots of questions, stares and head snaps, but people just don't know what it is and I love it.

Edit for addition - and when I say it's a manual, they say, "oh like with paddles? those are cool." NO DA! IT'S A Fg MANUAL TRANSMISSION. People have no idea what a stick shift with 3 pedals is anymore.
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approaching 2 years with 11,000 miles (debadged) and no one has ever asked if it is a Blackwing. Lots of questions, stares and head snaps, but people just don't know what it is and I love it.

Edit for addition - and when I say it's a manual, they say, "oh like with paddles? those are cool." NO DA! IT'S A Fg MANUAL TRANSMISSION. People have no idea what a stick shift with 3 pedals is anymore.
I mostly get thumbs up out windows. I have had 3 people ask if it's a blackwing, everyone else just does a double take or gives me the thumbs up lol

I have to edit this because I was on my way to pick up my girl yesterday and as I was approaching a light, rev matching gears on downshifts the light turned green and I gave it a bit more gas to the next red light. This guy in a pickup truck pulls up next to me and his two kids were leaning over looking.
He's like:
Him: Is that stock?!?
Me: Yessir
Him: Oh man that sounds good. Is that a CT5V? I've never heard one like that!
Me: Indeed, it's a Blackwing
Him: Ohhhh ok. Man it sounds so good. You don't have any badging on it so I was like that has to be modified
Me: Oh yeah I always rip the badging off all my cars, I like the cleaner look
Him: It's beautiful man, I love it!
Me: Thanks bro I appreciate it!

Then I "semi" aggressively accelerated away from the light.

I love interactions like that.
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Spotted a black 5bw enthusiastically waving back at me on ca 9. I am the guy in the electric blue ct4 bw in the opposite direction.
Just debadge the car. I get a lot of people at lights going "Is that a blackwing?!" and I'm like "Absolutely!" and they're like "Damn sweet car"

I love this damn thing.
I debadged my SS and it didn't help at all. People (all men, unfortunately) come up to me in parking lots, want to talk about it... Hey, I'm social and all, but I've got a life too and need to get on with it!

Only two people have noticed the BW, the gas guy at Costco and some other dude at Costco who gave me a thumbs-up as he walked across the parking lot. Otherwise, I'm just getting a finger from folks telling me that I'm #1.

LOL, we were at the Porsche dealer buying the wife her new (used) Macan S last week, and the salesman asked me what I drive. "It doesn't matter, it's her car," I reply. He insists. I say 'Cadillac". He nods. The wife chimes in that it's a special Cadillac. I ask him if he's heard of the Blackwing. Blank stare.

Hey, that's OK, I don't suppose many people cross-shop those two cars.

So, on the one hand I don't like it that most people don't realize what tremendously good taste and style I have, but on the other hand, I like being a bit anonymous. Until I accelerate, of course.

Back to the topic: I think I saw a BW CT5 (or 4?) on the way to work a week or two ago. I briefly thought of turning around, following them into the parking lot and introducing myself, but then I thought, eh, why bother?

So, anyone here own a white BW that works in Cary in Regency Park and gets to work around 6:30 AM?
Our neighbors have matching Escalades and the wife said my car looked sharp which, I think, was because it is a new red car or because her dog shits in our yard and she was trying to be nice.

I had a guy in a STI glance at it between puffs from his vape.

I did have a Hellcat trying to race on the highway the night I brought it home. With 20 miles on the car; I wasn't game.
Rift 5 on southbound 275 in St Petersburg Tuesday afternoon.... left lane blocker!
I debadged my SS and it didn't help at all. People (all men, unfortunately) come up to me in parking lots, want to talk about it... Hey, I'm social and all, but I've got a life too and need to get on with it!

Only two people have noticed the BW, the gas guy at Costco and some other dude at Costco who gave me a thumbs-up as he walked across the parking lot. Otherwise, I'm just getting a finger from folks telling me that I'm #1.

LOL, we were at the Porsche dealer buying the wife her new (used) Macan S last week, and the salesman asked me what I drive. "It doesn't matter, it's her car," I reply. He insists. I say 'Cadillac". He nods. The wife chimes in that it's a special Cadillac. I ask him if he's heard of the Blackwing. Blank stare.

Hey, that's OK, I don't suppose many people cross-shop those two cars.

So, on the one hand I don't like it that most people don't realize what tremendously good taste and style I have, but on the other hand, I like being a bit anonymous. Until I accelerate, of course.

Back to the topic: I think I saw a BW CT5 (or 4?) on the way to work a week or two ago. I briefly thought of turning around, following them into the parking lot and introducing myself, but then I thought, eh, why bother?

So, anyone here own a white BW that works in Cary in Regency Park and gets to work around 6:30 AM?
Whenever I'm filling up at Costco, I love starting the car up under that overhead ceiling. I get everyone turning their heads to see wtf just exploded to life haha.
Yes but that would be equivalent to fantasizing about wearing women's lingerie to work under your dress slacks, no one looking would know the difference.
LOL - Fair enough, maybe an UBER sticker in the front window, then

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