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The Blackwing Spotting Thread

My coworker here in San Diego has one of the '23 IMSA 4BW!!

I was suuuuuper jealous when I first saw it... But then I saw he had the auto 😅 not my cup of tea. Good for him, though!

Unfortunately, a couple days after I took this photo, he banged up his front splitter REAL bad 😔 poor thing.

I know I've scraped the unders of my non-cf front end a couple times, I can't imagine doing it to the CF.


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Electric Blue CT4 BW, that's drives through Elkridge, MD.

SoCal sighting: Saw a Summit? or Rift? 5BW today heading north on the 15 then west on the 91 in the express lanes. I’m the Wave blue that was trading places with you.
Socal spotting. Headed up 15N today. Ran into a midnight steel with paper plates on it. Old guy was rather anti social. I honked, I waved and nothing. Didn't even look my way. :cautious:
Saw a white 5BW on I95 North near Bridgeport CT this morning with the plate LASTGAS. Unfortunately I was in my boring daily GTI so we couldn't go for a short BW cruise. First one I've seen in person where the driver actually knew how to drive it, it was cool seeing that thing pull away and accelerate from another perspective.
Long overdue... works been crazy...I saw this beauty on April 15, southeast Michigan, turning south onto Haggerty from Pontiac Trail. Sometime in the afternoon. Beautiful car


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Long overdue... works been crazy...I saw this beauty on April 15, southeast Michigan, turning south onto Haggerty from Pontiac Trail. Sometime in the afternoon. Beautiful car
Not a Blackwing.
Black 5 Saturday afternoon, Malabar Road in Palm Bay. I suspect the same one I saw 5-6 months ago ripping on 528 towards Orlando
Weather has been great ok LI. Where y’all at? I know there’s a Rift 5BW around Huntington.
Sunday the 28th, sometime between 6-630 pm eastbound 96 near Southfield fwy. I THINK this is a BW, but it's missing the blackwing badge under the V....


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We could do our own BWs and coffee on Saturday morning after summer tire install. Maybe somewhere along 347 between Mt Sinai and Huntington?
Saturdays are best for me as well. I never took my summers off so I'm ready to go.

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