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Radar Detector

Anyone have trouble with the blendmount and GPS signal? The blendmount puts the radar in a position that has limited line of sight to satellites. Before the blendmount, GPS would sync within 2-3 blocks. It can take 3-4 miles now.
Anyone have trouble with the blendmount and GPS signal? The blendmount puts the radar in a position that has limited line of sight to satellites. Before the blendmount, GPS would sync within 2-3 blocks. It can take 3-4 miles now.
It is a little worse with the redline but not too bad. Turning off the wifi connection helps for some reason.
Anyone with a Valentine One ever had it not save you and you got a ticket?
nope. I did a trip from Fairfax VA to north and south dakota and woumd have gotten at least 10 tickets had it not been for the V1. My rule of thumb is if it chirps even once slow down until its stops. Seems to work for me in City and highway driving
nope. I did a trip from Fairfax VA to north and south dakota and woumd have gotten at least 10 tickets had it not been for the V1. My rule of thumb is if it chirps even once slow down until its stops. Seems to work for me in City and highway driving
Having driven through Virginia multiple times, I can honestly say yours is a great endorsement for the V1. Because VA's got cops eeeeeverywhere.
Having driven through Virginia multiple times, I can honestly say yours is a great endorsement for the V1. Because VA's got cops eeeeeverywhere.
and its the only state to out law radar detectors so be careful. VA SP even have radar detector detectors!
Anyone have trouble with the blendmount and GPS signal? The blendmount puts the radar in a position that has limited line of sight to satellites. Before the blendmount, GPS would sync within 2-3 blocks. It can take 3-4 miles now.
I have an Escort 360C MKII with a blend mount and my GPS locks in within a few blocks. I have this same setup in my GMC truck. All normal for both of my setups and locks pretty fast on both.
I was able to get it to sync better by moving it closer to the windshield. It doesn't "blend" as well, but seems more functional.

For reference, I have a Uniden R4.
and its the only state to out law radar detectors so be careful. VA SP even have radar detector detectors!
Radar detector detectors aren’t a thing anymore. The company that made them went out of business several years ago and existing units in the field have been dwindling as they break.
Laser will get you everytime.
Thankfully it isn’t wide spread in MN. I’ve got a Uniden R8 and it has saved me a few times. Was doing a road trip to Atlanta from MN and it picked up a Kentucky State Trooper very low in a ditch from 2.5 miles away. He was Ka band.
Thankfully it isn’t wide spread in MN. I’ve got a Uniden R8 and it has saved me a few times. Was doing a road trip to Atlanta from MN and it picked up a Kentucky State Trooper very low in a ditch from 2.5 miles away. He was Ka band.
The R8 is what I use as well. Saved my ass many, many, MANY times.
The R8 is what I use as well. Saved my ass many, many, MANY times.
Before the R8 there was the R7 which is what I have and been very pleased with the results. When the R8w price drops I’ll move to that and put the R7 in my Jeep.

Also had a Stinger laser jammer installed when I first got my 5BW. There was a lot of use of laser in my city, but after the pandemic traffic enforcement seems to have plummeted. It’s the Wild West out here and I would say general city traffic speed has increased by 10mph. The norm now seems to be around 50-55mph in 35-40mph zones.
Before the R8 there was the R7 which is what I have and been very pleased with the results. When the R8w price drops I’ll move to that and put the R7 in my Jeep.

Also had a Stinger laser jammer installed when I first got my 5BW. There was a lot of use of laser in my city, but after the pandemic traffic enforcement seems to have plummeted. It’s the Wild West out here and I would say general city traffic speed has increased by 10mph. The norm now seems to be around 50-55mph in 35-40mph zones.
I have a Uniden R7 and have never heard the laser detector go off a single time. I don’t think they run laser in Texas - good mix of Ka and K band in my neck of the woods.
I have a Uniden R7 and have never heard the laser detector go off a single time. I don’t think they run laser in Texas - good mix of Ka and K band in my neck of the woods.
In Arizona no K band, it’s all Ka. Laser isn’t used on the highway due to limited range, only in the city. Where I live it seems they’ve given up on speeding enforcement almost entirely. It was primarily done by motorcycle and I just don’t see them anymore after the pandemic.
Uniden folks. Are you running the blendmount w the mirrortap? Just ordered this combo from Amazon and look forward to installing. Hope it’s not a pain to do so. 2 days into BW ownership, I feel naked without a detector.
Uniden folks. Are you running the blendmount w the mirrortap? Just ordered this combo from Amazon and look forward to installing. Hope it’s not a pain to do so. 2 days into BW ownership, I feel naked without a detector.
I tried the mirror tap and couldn’t get a good connection. Instead used a hardwire kit to the driver side fuse block tied to ignition power on. As for the blendmount, I have used them in the past, but found a great out of the way spot above the rearview mirror.


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