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Hardwired Radar Detector

This thread reminds me of some of the "police presence" when driving through the Yukon Territory over the years while living in Alaska! 😅 We always had to stop for a cheesy photo op! The"cruiser" was getting pretty ratty in its later years! I bet it's still there!

I run my radar set and Waze all the time. I'm not a crazy speeder, but I don't want a ticket while hitting a slower speed zone a bit too fast. A lot of the small towns are still using radar (maybe to slow you down or not) but the detector still helps my awareness of where "the man" is lurking and Waze just seems like cheating, but in a good way. (full disclosure, I'm retired law enforcement and I still don't care for the potential headaches of being pulled over) :rolleyes:
I used the Laser Pro III at work and it was 100% accurate. I could pick up speed on cars almost 1/4 mile away, long before the could see me. The departments on Long Island hardly use RADAR any more. You cant react fast enough to the speed of light.
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This thread reminds me of some of the "police presence" when driving through the Yukon Territory over the years while living in Alaska! 😅 We always had to stop for a cheesy photo op! The"cruiser" was getting pretty ratty in its later years! I bet it's still there!

I run my radar set and Waze all the time. I'm not a crazy speeder, but I don't want a ticket while hitting a slower speed zone a bit too fast. A lot of the small towns are still using radar (maybe to slow you down or not) but the detector still helps my awareness of where "the man" is lurking and Waze just seems like cheating, but in a good way. (full disclosure, I'm retired law enforcement and I still don't care for the potential headaches of being pulled over) :rolleyes:
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It kinda reminds me the time I drove by a drone squad car and someone left a box of Dunkin donuts on the roof.

I tried using my bell radar 855sti from 2001 and it was completely worthless, X and K, KA would go off randomly when no one was really around. Every time a Tesla, Mercedes or any radar cruise vehicle came by, it would flip out.
I used the Laser Pro III at work and it was 100% accurate. I could pick up speed on cars almost 1/4 mile away, long before the could see me. The departments on Long Island hardly use RADAR any more. You can react fast enough to the speed of light.
Does a laser jammer prove useful in this situation?
For those using blend mounts / other mirror mounts what do think about visibility? I had no issues with my sti but with how the Infotainment screen sat in my S5 I felt it blocked too much of my view directly below the mirror so I mounted on the windshield instead. I'm curious if anyone has concerns specifically in the 4?
For those using blend mounts / other mirror mounts what do think about visibility? I had no issues with my sti but with how the Infotainment screen sat in my S5 I felt it blocked too much of my view directly below the mirror so I mounted on the windshield instead. I'm curious if anyone has concerns specifically in the 4?
Running blendmount on my 5VBW and it’s perfect height but have had issues with sway and had to retighten/torque the screws
No issues with my Blendmount on my 5VBW at all. As with previous BM’s, I choose to change the arm portion out to better match how I wanted it to look and be mounted tight under the mirror and still allow the flip switch underneath to work. I can still take the detector off to use my Covercraft windshield cover when needed.
Does a laser jammer prove useful in this situation?
Laser jammers absolutely do work. I had one on my S4 and have a Stinger system on my 5BW. With the Blackwing grills the way they are, there are not a lot of options for a clean OEM look install. Stinger is not the best jammer for the money, but has the cleanest install for a Blackwing.

Best Police Laser Jammer Reviews - Vortex Radar
Does a laser jammer prove useful in this situation?
Yes. Laser jammers do work, very effectively. Alot of states they are illegal to possess. The gun will make noises that it is not locking onto a target and it kinda gives away that someone has a laser jammer. If you are the only car approaching, you will get pulled over and checked. Some truckers hide them very good and shut them off after they are pulled over.
In the old days some of the jammers had a “parking” sensor mode that could be activated with a flip a switch. I had such a jammer. Then, if necessary, you could show the officer the parking sensor functionality. It really did work like a parking sensor. Living in Arizona I don’t have to worry about it being illegal.
As I have done for my last several vehicles, I hardwired my UNIDEN R7 into my BW. Pulling the plastic cover off of the mirror was the actually the harder part. Wiretap BLACK to BLACK and WHITE PIN, Wiretap RED to PURPLE and GRAY PIN. Here are some pics for you.This install has been the same for me on my GM vehicles. The Radar detector only receives power when the vehicle is ON, not ACCESSORY , or OFF.
Thanks so much for posting this, @A-A-RON. Made the mirror tapping of my R7 a very confident endeavor. I struggled the most with getting the little "inner" plastic piece off of the plastic cover -- didn't want to break a tab (and didn't). Once that was off, this is a 15 minute job.

I ended up using a different mirror mount that is more adjustable. Looks great and works great! I know radar detectors aren't perfect, but it feels naked to drive without it after you've had it for a while!
Thanks so much for posting this, @A-A-RON. Made the mirror tapping of my R7 a very confident endeavor. I struggled the most with getting the little "inner" plastic piece off of the plastic cover -- didn't want to break a tab (and didn't). Once that was off, this is a 15 minute job.

I ended up using a different mirror mount that is more adjustable. Looks great and works great! I know radar detectors aren't perfect, but it feels naked to drive without it after you've had it for a while!

Any tricks to getting that inner trim piece out of the bigger trim piece? That is where I am stuck as I also don't want to break it.
Any tricks to getting that inner trim piece out of the bigger trim piece? That is where I am stuck as I also don't want to break it.
I got one side out really easily fortunately. After that I could see how the tabs were arranged and got the other side out. A bit of a delicate operation. Sorry I didn’t take pics along the way!!
I got one side out really easily fortunately. After that I could see how the tabs were arranged and got the other side out. A bit of a delicate operation. Sorry I didn’t take pics along the way!!

I got the tab released on the passenger side but I can’t see any possible way to get the drivers side. It is blocked by a part of the molding. There’s got to be some trick to this. I could Hulk pry it out I suppose but that is not my first choice. Are you saying you were able to actuate that tab on the drivers side? How?
I got the tab released on the passenger side but I can’t see any possible way to get the drivers side. It is blocked by a part of the molding. There’s got to be some trick to this. I could Hulk pry it out I suppose but that is not my first choice. Are you saying you were able to actuate that tab on the drivers side? How?
You can get your finger in there and actuate the tab. You are close. You can do it!!!!
I've been trying, but there is not enough clearance to get my finger there. Did you do it all from the passenger side (like sitting in the passenger seat)? I haven't tried from the drivers side because it is so close to the larger housing I doubt I could see anything there.
I've been trying, but there is not enough clearance to get my finger there. Did you do it all from the passenger side (like sitting in the passenger seat)? I haven't tried from the drivers side because it is so close to the larger housing I doubt I could see anything there.
If you push the mirror way down you can free up enough space to get to the tabs.
If you push the mirror way down you can free up enough space to get to the tabs.

Alright I got it. Man that drivers side clip is a PITA. The key is realizing the mirror pivots at both ends, you have to move the windshield end of the mirror post a lot to create the room you need to reach your hand up there and release that drivers side clip. Even then it was not easy to get enough force on it with a fingertip to get it out. That is the hardest part. Thanks a million to AARon for the wiring tips, those same wires are good for the CT4. Thanks for the real-time support spcullen!


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Alright I got it. Man that drivers side clip is a PITA. The key is realizing the mirror pivots at both ends, you have to move the windshield end of the mirror post a lot to create the room you need to reach your hand up there and release that drivers side clip. Even then it was not easy to get enough force on it with a fingertip to get it out. That is the hardest part. Thanks a million to AARon for the wiring tips, those same wires are good for the CT4. Thanks for the real-time support spcullen!
You are most welcome. It’s one of those things that I wouldn’t want to do again.
Thanks for the instructions, @A-A-RON. My car isn't here yet, but I will be installing a dashcam first thing. Maybe second.

FWIW, I'm like really old (although some of you have me beat) and I had the first, the original, Fuzzbuster, when I was in high school. It got stolen. They busted out my driver's window and stole it. I filed a police report, and for some reason, the LEO was not sympathetic to my loss. "It's a what?"

Fast forward to the 80s, and I had a Passport detector that saved me at least often enough to pay for itself and successors. I also had an original Escort that my stereo installer guy took apart and remoted it, with the front face installed into the instrument panel. It was awesome. Lots of false alarms back then from grocery stores.

I've gotten many speeding tickets, several from RADAR (can't save you from instant-on) and VASCAR (timed, nothing to detect) and one from simply being stupid. I find that having a detector makes me a bit careless and I trust them too much. Not having one keeps me with traffic, and I try not to be in a hurry.

Of course, I'm one of those crazy people who goes to the racetrack if I feel a need for speed.

I'll add that I had a really bad accident once in my BMW E39 M5 (the best car that BMW ever made), where some moron in an SUV (is that redundant?) turned left in front of me on his red (my green) and totalled both cars. If not for a guy traveling in the same direction as me who stuck around as a witness, it would have been "he said, he said". Ever since then, I've had a dash cam.

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