Why would I drop $600 on a top of the line radar detector in a state where it is illegal?
Multiple reasons. Waze & my Uniden R8 are my "Wizzo's".
They have pulled me out of trouble multiple times now on 95, and locally where my "Boss Hog" likes to hide behind the billboards.
The prelude to this was after I had my BW for 3 months, and had been pulled over twice, ( Pretty good right? ) and........,
Was not given a ticket each time. ( sometimes, it's better to be lucky than good)
Of course, when I was pulled over,
I unbuttoned my shirt a couple of buttons to show my chest hair.
That must had worked..., because they let me go..., without a citation.
That's when it occurred to me...., Getting a ticket in Va. for a radar detector is about $100, and no points.
Where as not having one, getting caught over 80 MPH (reckless driving) court cost, points, insurance rate increase, would start costing you near $1000.
So yeah....., it was an easy decision for me.
It sits high on the windshield hidden by my tint above the A/S line and sun visor.
I have to say, I've been very impressed with it, and it has a self mute/ memory function for all those K band door openers at stores, so they don't go off each time in town.
It also has the ability to update to the latest software being pushed out, along with GPS, and has the ability to add a native jammer system.
So yeah....., for me and my driving style going up 95......., it's a must!