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Pics of your Blackwing in regular parking spots

Just wrapped up a 2500 mile road trip, mixture of hotels and VRBO, plenty of regular parking spaces were sampled along with some excellent twisty back roads. What an enjoyable car to take on a trip.

View attachment 19631
Oh do tell.... I drove x cuntry after delivery in mine. 2700+ miles . And yes very entertaining .
My buddy parked next to me at work today.

Yeah that’s the normal no matter how far I park. Luckily this office building is never busy and I parked away from the entrance.
I just debadged as well. I'm putting the extra Blackwing badge and an additional one I ordered from GM beneath the door Vs.
Do you have the part # handy? I like the idea of adding them to the doors as well. Is it just the Blackwing or, do they come with the V as well?

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