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Occasional smell in the cabin


Seasoned Member
Mar 28, 2023
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2023 CT4-V BW MT
Most of the time when driving my 4BW, I will notice a slight smell inside the cabin. Usually starts after a few miles and seems to come and go. Hard for me to describe, but would compare it to smell of nitrous oxide or "laughing gas" I've had at the doctor/dentist. Anyone else experience this? Any idea what it could be?
It's the OEM windshield washing fluid
Secondary question - how long since you changed the cabin filter?
The only smell I have in my cabin is the smell of new leather and clean air conditioning air from the Ionizer.
The only smell I have in my cabin is the smell of new leather and clean air conditioning air from the Ionizer.
Maybe it’s the ionizer I’m smelling.

“Sometimes people report of air ionizers having a very distinct electric smell. Other words that people use to describe this smell are: burnt electronics, electric spark, chlorine, and a burning wire. Why does this happen? This happens because many air ionizers emit ozone as a sideproduct, which gives it this distinct smell. This is most common for air ionizers that use a metal needle as the element of ionization. A metal needle will oxidize with time, releasing ozone in the process.”
The only smell I have in my cabin is the smell of new leather and clean air conditioning air from the Ionizer.
Something else I found:

Ozone has been shown to cause lung irritation and has been documented to increase the frequency of asthma attacks and susceptibility to airborne allergens. Because of this, the use of ionic purifiers is not recommended by both the American Lung Association and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
What, are we pretending to adults or something? Where the fart jokes at?
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