I never made any claims about what "we should" or should not do. I was trying to point out that if you have some skepticism, that does not make you a wacco. Rather than telling me "the facts are clear" this is human caused, as another poster did, a more convincing argument is as follows: if climate change is due to human sources, and we do nothing, the consequences are likely to be severe. But if the opposite is true, and this is due to natural events and we reduce anthropogenic CO2 emissions we will have not done any harm.
But you made my point, we don't have two planets and we cant do a randomized controlled trail - the cause of any change will not be clear for centuries.
However I disagree that we are at the broken airplane stage. I could write pages with charts of past climate over millions of years or that introducing aerosols in the upper atmosphere could be a simple solution to cool the planet and that carbon capture might also be a solution, but it won't change your mind or anyone else's - just like I'm not likely to convince you that you worship the wrong God or your religious faith is wrong. The current climate debate is a debate on religion - that burning fossil fuels is a sin and the only path to salvation is to replace fossil fuels with electricity (although it's not clear to me where that electricity is supposed to come from). And religion is based on faith - something you believe in your core irrespective of logic or rational arguments