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Driver Info Center Tiles Not Found - 2022 4BW


May 1, 2024
North Carolina
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2022 CT4-V Blackwing
Hi all,

I've been experimenting with my 4BW in the past week of ownership, and most things are fairly straightforward thus far. One thing I have found is that some of the DIC Tiles described on pages 114-115 of the CT4 user manual I can't find - these are:

Air Filter Life
Engine Hours
Lifetime Revs
Brake Pad Life

I would have expected our BWs, the top level performance models, to have these. Have they perhaps been hidden somehow by the previous owner?

Thanks in advance for any help.
Use the thumbwheel when in the maintenance menu.
Hi all,

I've been experimenting with my 4BW in the past week of ownership, and most things are fairly straightforward thus far. One thing I have found is that some of the DIC Tiles described on pages 114-115 of the CT4 user manual I can't find - these are:

Air Filter Life
Engine Hours
Lifetime Revs
Brake Pad Life

I would have expected our BWs, the top level performance models, to have these. Have they perhaps been hidden somehow by the previous owner?

Thanks in advance for any help.
Use the thumbwheel when in the maintenance menu.
Thanks, I had tried that and the only item there is Oil Life. I think the issue may be related to the transmission being replaced previously in this car. Another issue is a stuck update reflected in the App - so far no luck with support on either issue.
Hi all,

I've been experimenting with my 4BW in the past week of ownership, and most things are fairly straightforward thus far. One thing I have found is that some of the DIC Tiles described on pages 114-115 of the CT4 user manual I can't find - these are:

Air Filter Life
Engine Hours
Lifetime Revs
Brake Pad Life

I would have expected our BWs, the top level performance models, to have these. Have they perhaps been hidden somehow by the previous owner?

Thanks in advance for any help.
We have access to this information?
I looked at my car as well and dont have access to this info and I have a 5BW
I looked at my car as well and dont have access to this info and I have a 5BW
Odd. I jot all those things down for my spreadsheet at every fill-up on my 5V 3.0 TT. I run a continuous graph of gas mileage and all the "% life" items.
It's listed in the manual, FWIW.
Do you know the page number or the heading it's listed under? Some people are not finding it in the manual. I have a CT4-V Blackwing.
Do you know the page number or the heading it's listed under? Some people are not finding it in the manual. I have a CT4-V Blackwing.

Looks like these are mentioned starting on page 106. A couple of them say “if equipped” but I dunno what package would trigger their function. Only ones I dont recall seeing are the air filter and brake pad life, others Ive tinkered with.
Apologies for the delay - as i mentioned in my original post, the generic CT4 manual I have lists these pieces of information on pages 114-115.

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