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Blackwing Order Tracking - 2022 Model Year

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Well...shit...I tried deleting a couple posts out of the old order tracking thread and I apparently nuked the whole damn thread! :r :hb

NOTE: the order tracking system is for U.S. based orders only. I can only view orders placed with dealers in the U.S.
NOTE: I will only track ONE order per member. If you have orders in at multiple dealers, pick one...

Blackwing Order Tracking System

Blackwing Registry

Animated GIF
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Why can’t we just do paper work at dealer and go pick up our own car.
C'mon man, that would be to easy.... Can't have all this going on
Welcome to the world of fucked up logistics.
Exactly this, exactly not this, and maybe this.

What I can tell you is there are some reasons that make sense. ie shortage of one electronic component that’s on your build.

Then, there are others that make no sense whatsoever. Ie (insert any excuse here)

So the answer is ultimately , exactly what you said.
Previously, waiting all year for your car didn't cost you anything. Fed said they are going to raise rates at each of the 6 meetings they have left. Delays now will start costing money for anyone not paying cash. Rates went up .5%, assuming they do that kind of increase if not more at each meeting to combat the high inflation, rates might be 5-6% at the end of the year. Big wake up call after enjoying near 0% rate on car loans these past 10+ years. They have meetings early May, Mid June, and late July. Good luck to us all
You actually bring up a good point. Here’s the game plan.

Step 1) Buy car now without carbon, pay less interest.

Step 2) tell wife you saved a bunch of money doing so.

Step 3) order carbon parts with money saved. Ship it all to work, not to home, or you’ll have another goat rodeo to deal with when the wife sees them show up.

Step 4) don’t check your math to see if it was actually a good idea. Plausible deniability.

Step 5) Enjoy blackwing with carbon, earlier than everyone else still waiting.

You actually bring up a good point. Here’s the game plan.

Step 1) Buy car now without carbon, pay less interest.

Step 2) tell wife you saved a bunch of money doing so.

Step 3) order carbon parts with money saved. Ship it all to work, not to home, or you’ll have another goat rodeo to deal with when the wife sees them show up.

Step 4) don’t check your math to see if it was actually a good idea. Plausible deniability.

Step 5) Enjoy blackwing with carbon, earlier than everyone else still waiting.

That's pretty much my plan. That and I don't like all the carbon that's in either kit. So this way I can pick and choose hah
I’ll be lucky to get a car period. Interest rate is the least of my concerns. I’m still figuring out what I should wear when I go to pickup the car. A goat costume seems the most appropriate, but I feel like there may be other options to look at.
I'll be wearing depends by the time my car comes, if it ever does.
Guess what kiddos.. Carbon fiber is back for the CT5-V Blackwing.... Sort of..... Extremely limited and only for orders withOUT a MANual...

Next week, nationally, the following counts are anticipated to be accepted... It can change between now and Tuesday
  • Six (6) units will be allowed to have CF1 & CF2
    • Limited to 10-Speed Only
  • Three (3) units will be allowed to have CF1 without CF2.
    • Limited to 10 Speed Only
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Other News

Due to improving supply of semiconductors, we can confirm that we will resume production of:
  • Heated Steering Wheel (KI3) or (UVD) beginning with production on Mar. 28, 2022.
  • •Front and Rear Park Assist (UD5) or Rear Park Assist (UD7) beginning with production on Apr. 11, 2022.
  • •Heated driver and front passenger seats (KA1), heated second row outboard seats (KA6) beginning with production on Apr. 18, 2022.
  • *Note ventilated seats are not being reintroduced at this time therefore RPOs – KQV, KU9, KU1, KU3 will remain unavailable until further notice.
  • Production for these features will begin on select trims and models and will then be phased in for the remainder.

Super Cruise – Delay of Introduction on 2022 MY Cadillac CT4 / CT5

At beginning of model year, we communicated our expectation to offer Super Cruise (UKL) as an available option on both CT4 and CT5 models. Due to the continued impact of the industry-wide shortage, we are announcing that the feature will not be available for the 2022 Model Year. For those dealers with orders that were accepted with Super Cruise, representatives from Cadillac will reach out to discuss revising these vehicle orders. Cadillac will communicate when dealers can begin accepting orders for Super Cruise for the CT4 and CT5.

Note: Super Cruise was never going to be available on the V Blackwing but it was supposed to be on the normal V, so this is applicable to this forum..
Sometimes the chase is better than the acquisition......
And the Goat Rodeo King spoketh...did you even had to chase? Almost seemed like they delivered your cars direct from Lansing to you. :ROFLMAO:
Guess what kiddos.. Carbon fiber is back for the CT5-V Blackwing.... Sort of..... Extremely limited and only for orders withOUT a MANual...

Next week, nationally, the following counts are anticipated to be accepted... It can change between now and Tuesday
  • Six (6) units will be allowed to have CF1 & CF2
    • Limited to 10-Speed Only
  • Three (3) units will be allowed to have CF1 without CF2.
    • Limited to 10 Speed Only
Only on Autos? How does that makes sense? Figured common parts can be used between autos and manuals.
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