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Blackwing Order Tracking - 2022 Model Year

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Well...shit...I tried deleting a couple posts out of the old order tracking thread and I apparently nuked the whole damn thread! :r :hb

NOTE: the order tracking system is for U.S. based orders only. I can only view orders placed with dealers in the U.S.
NOTE: I will only track ONE order per member. If you have orders in at multiple dealers, pick one...

Blackwing Order Tracking System

Blackwing Registry

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Its exciting, not excited I had to dump the CF package to get the car built. Hope the aftermarket catches up quickly.
Im going on 8 months since order placed.
I ordered in June 2021, and my dealership called me in January 2022 asking if I wanted to drop the CF packages to get it accepted or wait. I chose to wait, but it was built in March with both CF packages. I mean, I waited this long at this point lol. I was at 4300 status since 3/30.
Headed to Sewell Dallas on Saturday to pick up my CT5-V. I know, blasphemy since it is not a BW, but a shout out to @Rob for this great forum that helps more than just the BW crowd. My V would probably still be in the pygmy goat pen if not for the info gained from all who contribute here. At least Rob did not have to spend time tracking my car. :)
What’s the deal with GM why are they not shipping cars?! Can we as customers go get them then? And why does GM give no updates on why it’s talking so long. Dodge has a 2 to 3 month window on new cars. GM it’s like 8-12 months!
What’s the deal with GM why are they not shipping cars?! Can we as customers go get them then? And why does GM give no updates on why it’s talking so long. Dodge has a 2 to 3 month window on new cars. GM it’s like 8-12 months!
It's because Dodge has to fed Rams, and GM has to catch and feed GOATS 🤣😂

I'm sorry, couldn't resist. It was too easy
What’s the deal with GM why are they not shipping cars?! Can we as customers go get them then? And why does GM give no updates on why it’s talking so long. Dodge has a 2 to 3 month window on new cars. GM it’s like 8-12 months!
They're built, but not complete. A lot of the cars that are sitting now are likely will waiting for a chip or missing part. It all stems back to some chinese dude eating a bat. You can blame that guy.
They're built, but not complete. A lot of the cars that are sitting now are likely will waiting for a chip or missing part. It all stems back to some chinese dude eating a bat. You can blame that guy.
If you think about it, if that was really true, then the actions of one dumb ignorant person brought the entire world to it's knees. Makes you realize how fragile the world really is. Putin, Biden, Trump, Hitler. No one holds a candle to that bat eater. 😂
As per my dealer, my TPW has slipped from 5/2 to 5/30. Oh well, more time for me to enjoy Hellrango 🙂
Dustin, do you think come May 5 when 2023 orders open that will change? Since mine will not be built for 2022, I'd consider placing an order through you if possible.
No. Any remaining 2022 orders that we have will be rolled over to 2023 model years.
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