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Blackwing Order Tracking - 2022 Model Year

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Well...shit...I tried deleting a couple posts out of the old order tracking thread and I apparently nuked the whole damn thread! :r :hb

NOTE: the order tracking system is for U.S. based orders only. I can only view orders placed with dealers in the U.S.
NOTE: I will only track ONE order per member. If you have orders in at multiple dealers, pick one...

Blackwing Order Tracking System

Blackwing Registry

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And the Goat Rodeo King spoketh...did you even had to chase? Almost seemed like they delivered your cars direct from Lansing to you. :ROFLMAO:

Only on Autos? How does that makes sense? Figured common parts can be used between autos and manuals.
Complete SWAG on my part suggests that A10 cars configured with CF1/2 have a higher level of options and therefore price than a M6.
Guess what kiddos.. Carbon fiber is back for the CT5-V Blackwing.... Sort of..... Extremely limited and only for orders withOUT a MANual...

Next week, nationally, the following counts are anticipated to be accepted... It can change between now and Tuesday
  • Six (6) units will be allowed to have CF1 & CF2
    • Limited to 10-Speed Only
  • Three (3) units will be allowed to have CF1 without CF2.
    • Limited to 10 Speed Only
Well, that's awesome. Maybe my order will be picked up...🤣...Oh, wait, I have Infrared, which comes and goes on constraint. Oh, wait, I also have carbon backed seats. Oh, and my dealer to busy to call and see what I want to do. Never mind, I'll just stay here at 1100.

Speaking of Infrared, anyone see the wild cherry (or whatever it's called) on Camaros is built out for 2022. They both have GSK as a paint code....hmmmm.
Well, that's awesome. Maybe my order will be picked up...🤣...Oh, wait, I have Infrared, which comes and goes on constraint. Oh, wait, I also have carbon backed seats. Oh, and my dealer to busy to call and see what I want to do. Never mind, I'll just stay here at 1100.
Ouch man. Feel bad for you.
Ouch man. Feel bad for you.
Thanks brother! I'm really about done with all of this. I've already accepted my car will not be built for 2022 unless there's intervention from God. In 5 1/2 weeks no more 2022 orders will be accepted. So, that puts me into a 2023 with many unknowns at this point, and I think I need to find a different dealer, or be willing to sit here and wait how long? Again?
Anyone see this?? Maybe Dustin, @1StunnaV, can chime in. 1SF I believe is the Blackwing.

Effective 4/11/2022, the following changes will be made to the Vehicle Order Guide:

  • Interior section-Added (04O) Not Equipped with Driver and Front Passenger Ventilated Seat Cushion Blower Motor, see dealer for details. Availability is Reference Only "A" on 1SF with footnote 1 which reads "Certain vehicles built on or after April 4, 2022 with (KU9) driver and front passenger ventilated seats will be forced to include (04O) Not Equipped with Driver and Front Passenger Ventilated Seat Cushion Blower Motor, which removes driver and front passenger ventilated seat cushion blower motor. Vehicles equipped with (04O) Not Equipped with Driver and Front Passenger Ventilated Seat Cushion Blower Motor will be eligible for later dealer retrofit to enable functionality. See the window label for the features on a specific vehicle.".
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Thanks brother! I'm really about done with all of this. I've already accepted my car will not be built for 2022 unless there's intervention from God. In 5 1/2 weeks no more 2022 orders will be accepted. So, that puts me into a 2023 with many unknowns at this point, and I think I need to find a different dealer, or be willing to sit here and wait how long? Again?
If I were you I'd get on the list at a few other dealers who won't screw you on the pricing. I've secured an allocation currently at 3000 status at a dealership that's about as far as they can be from me, within the state. I still am on the list at 2-3 other dealerships as a back up plan. Unless the dealer pulls the rug out from under me at the 11th hour, I'll be going with them even though they are by far the most inconvenient for me. Requiring a flight + 2 hour drive from the airport.

You can't put all your eggs into one basket. My last custom ordered car was not the farthest away from me within the state, but the entire country.. lol. But that's how it was if you wanted MSRP, and it's very similar to the situation now.
@SOP ...not to rehash all of this, but I have an order at list from a decent size store here in AZ. I was dealing with the new car manager, who got a promotion. Now I'm dealing with all new people. I originally told him I don't want to drop CF1, CF2 and CF seat backs. Guess that's my fault. Still, it's always ME contacting them. I am (was) first on the list. I have been bypassed by guys who dropped CF. That's fair, but even after telling them first of the year, I'll drop CF, no phone call.

What really pissed me off is they have a white one coming in without CF, but CF seat backs. Other than color and CF, it's my build. Called them, told them I'll take it. Original person who ordered it dropped the order. They will sell it, but they want $7500 ADM. I told them no deal. I know the other sales manager would have made the deal. Just seems the deal is changing as we go. Maybe it's me, but I feel the deal has changed.

More to all these stories, but that's the short version. So, I'm debating what to do with my order. Think I'll just ride it out for 5 weeks, flip to a 2023 and go from there.....maybe.
@SOP ...not to rehash all of this, but I have an order at list from a decent size store here in AZ. I was dealing with the new car manager, who got a promotion. Now I'm dealing with all new people. I originally told him I don't want to drop CF1, CF2 and CF seat backs. Guess that's my fault. Still, it's always ME contacting them. I am (was) first on the list. I have been bypassed by guys who dropped CF. That's fair, but even after telling them first of the year, I'll drop CF, no phone call.

What really pissed me off is they have a white one coming in without CF, but CF seat backs. Other than color and CF, it's my build. Called them, told them I'll take it. Original person who ordered it dropped the order. They will sell it, but they want $7500 ADM. I told them no deal. I know the other sales manager would have made the deal. Just seems the deal is changing as we go. Maybe it's me, but I feel the deal has changed.

More to all these stories, but that's the short version. So, I'm debating what to do with my order. Think I'll just ride it out for 5 weeks, flip to a 2023 and go from there.....maybe.
What a terrible experience. The reasonable person you originally dealt with is gone. Now you've got people in his place that aren't treating you the way you were expecting to be treated at this dealership. I'd leave the order there, but I'd definitely look at other avenues and have no loyalty to that dealership.

For me, even if the dealership 1 hour away from me got an allocation, I'm still going to go with the one that got my order through first. As long as they don't renege on our original deal, I will go through all that hassle to get it as a matter of integrity.
The whole CF package saga has really pissed me off.
I probably would have my car months ago had I listened to the dealer in December when he urged me to drop those CF 1 and 2 packages to get the car built.
Finally after his 3rd request in Feb. I said fuck it, remove the CF package and add the Carbon Ceramic brakes. Magically the car gets built, and now it sits awaiting transport. So far my dealer has been awesome and very communicative.
I TRULY HOPE THE AFTERMARKET or CADILLAC offers the CF exterior components.
Without the rear CF spoiler, the car looks weak.
@SOP ..maybe I'm a baby, but it seems like the word "settle" always comes up with this order. With no offense to anyone here....Can't get CF, settle; can't get the color, settle; can't get the seats, settle; Maybe buy a 4BW, settle; maybe buy CTS V, settle; maybe buy a M5, settle; wait until 2023 or 2024, settle; maybe just bail, settle, etc.

Some really tough settles, huh? I know, first world problems. But at $100k, I want what I want. It's not like were talking a Corolla.

I'm sure I'll get shit for this post, maybe I deserve it.
Anyone see this?? Maybe Dustin, @1StunnaV, can chime in. 1SF I believe is the Blackwing. If correct, no retro fit.

Effective 4/11/2022, the following changes will be made to the Vehicle Order Guide:

  • Interior section-Added (04O) Not Equipped with Driver and Front Passenger Ventilated Seat Cushion Blower Motor, see dealer for details. Availability is Reference Only "A" on 1SF with footnote 1 which reads "Certain vehicles built on or after April 4, 2022 with (KU9) driver and front passenger ventilated seats will be forced to include (04O) Not Equipped with Driver and Front Passenger Ventilated Seat Cushion Blower Motor, which removes driver and front passenger ventilated seat cushion blower motor. Vehicles equipped with (04O) Not Equipped with Driver and Front Passenger Ventilated Seat Cushion Blower Motor will be eligible for later dealer retrofit to enable functionality. See the window label for the features on a specific vehicle.".
Is this for both 4 and 5 BW?
@SOP ..maybe I'm a baby, but it seems like the word "settle" always comes up with this order. With no offense to anyone here....Can't get CF, settle; can't get the color, settle; can't get the seats, settle; Maybe buy a 4BW, settle; maybe buy CTS V, settle; maybe buy a M5, settle; wait until 2023 or 2024, settle; maybe just bail, settle, etc.

Some really tough settles, huh? I know, first world problems. But at $100k, I want what I want. It's not like were talking a Corolla.

I'm sure I'll get shit for this post, maybe I deserve it.
I get it. It's the reason why I didn't buy any of the 3-4 MSRP deals local to me. I want what I want, exactly how I want. At my $63k price point, or your $100k price point, we deserve to get exactly what we want.
@FloridaVetteGuy ......what I see, yes. 4 and 5 BW, though 4 says effect 4/4.

NOTE....I stand corrected. It DOES say later retro fit. Guess they will tear you seats apart.
I get it. It's the reason why I didn't buy any of the 3-4 MSRP deals local to me. I want what I want, exactly how I want. At my $63k price point, or your $100k price point, we deserve to get exactly what we want.
@SOP ..maybe I'm a baby, but it seems like the word "settle" always comes up with this order. With no offense to anyone here....Can't get CF, settle; can't get the color, settle; can't get the seats, settle; Maybe buy a 4BW, settle; maybe buy CTS V, settle; maybe buy a M5, settle; wait until 2023 or 2024, settle; maybe just bail, settle, etc.

Some really tough settles, huh? I know, first world problems. But at $100k, I want what I want. It's not like were talking a Corolla.

I'm sure I'll get shit for this post, maybe I deserve it.

I sort of agree. Deserve is a strong word. Obviously if you're willing to wait indefinitely, you might get what you ordered. But Cadillac are under no obligations here. You could wait for 5 years and they'd be none the worse for wear. But imagine the damage to your psyche if you wait that long, then get the car, and it isn't even what you want because you're 5 years older and have moved on. Or the order just never goes through. I don't know, just seems like having the car would be much better than waiting and not knowing.

I never considered the BW5 because it's too much for me. Money-wise and power-wise. That's just me being honest. I also did "settle" on the CF1 and CF2 packages on my BW4 to get an allocation. But I'm not buying off the lot, which to me, is likely where the real settling will happen. My personal thought was...I can literally get CF exterior bits later. Yes, it's not from the factory, but it shouldn't be THAT hard to find in a year or two. So for me, the carbon (exterior packages that is) would be the easiest things to dump in favor of a faster build time. I know the BW5 has more packages, and more carbon inside...so that is something I don't really have to worry about. What I wouldn't skimp on, is any of the other packages on the BW4. I want EVERYTHING. All options, features, tech, comfort, etc. Even if they can't install something now, it needs to be on the order so I can get it retrofitted by the dealer later.

Everyone has their limit though, their breaking point so to speak. But I'm a newbie to all this, so I am just sort of going off my gut here. I've never ordered a car before. :)
Deserve in the sense that if we are paying that much of our hard earned money(it may not be a lot to others), if we want to get it exactly how we want it, then we should. No one owes us anything. If you're willing to compromise to get it sooner, that's also your prerogative.

No one should shell out tens of thousands, if not $100k+ and not be absolutely 100% content with that decision. Don't compromise and hate yourself for it later.
@SOP ..maybe I'm a baby, but it seems like the word "settle" always comes up with this order. With no offense to anyone here....Can't get CF, settle; can't get the color, settle; can't get the seats, settle; Maybe buy a 4BW, settle; maybe buy CTS V, settle; maybe buy a M5, settle; wait until 2023 or 2024, settle; maybe just bail, settle, etc.

Some really tough settles, huh? I know, first world problems. But at $100k, I want what I want. It's not like were talking a Corolla.

I'm sure I'll get shit for this post, maybe I deserve it.
I hear ya brother. 100k is not chump change , I'm not a CF fan so I'm good, BUT I ain't grabbing no 4BW, my AMG daily does the trick. V8 w 6spd or go home is what I'm talking about..LOL
I hear ya brother. 100k is not chump change , I'm not a CF fan so I'm good, BUT I ain't grabbing no 4BW, my AMG daily does the trick. V8 w 6spd or go home is what I'm talking about..LOL
And that's the little voice in my head (along with a few others). V8 or bust. That's why I hesitate on a 4. I started this whole "V" thing years ago (decades?). Remember the STS V? Something always came up that I couldn't get one. Then it was gen 2 CTS V, then gen 3 CTS V. Something always got in the way. NOW it's the 5BW.

Other thought was, get a 4 (where's Steve?) and then worry about a 5 in their probable last year, 2024. And if I love that 4, maybe not. Dang, my head hurts.
And that's the little voice in my head (along with a few others). V8 or bust. That's why I hesitate on a 4. I started this whole "V" thing years ago (decades?). Remember the STS V? Something always came up that I couldn't get one. Then it was gen 2 CTS V, then gen 3 CTS V. Something always got in the way. NOW it's the 5BW.

Other thought was, get a 4 (where's Steve?) and then worry about a 5 in their probable last year, 2024. And if I love that 4, maybe not. Dang, my head hurts.
I dont see the downside to getting a 4 in the meantime as they seem to be more readily available. If it doesn't light a fire for you, you wind up with a 5 and likely by then anyway you want it outfitted(CF etc). BUT, if the 4 does the trick, you're in a good spot and you stay put.
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