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It's probably worth noting (for the handful of people still reading) that the original intent of the Autopact was that roughly the same number of cars would be built in Canada as are sold in Canada. The companies were free to build any model where it made the most sense, as long as the overall balance was maintained.

My understanding is that over decades this is pretty much how it worked, with minor imbalances occasionally but no consistent major difference.

Trump's idea that all cars sold in North America should be built in the US was never going to work. If he succeeded in making it financially impossible to build cars in Canada that would also be sold in the US, we would shut the border to US imports and build the cars we need here. It would be terribly inefficient to retool the industry and we would have much less variety because our market it small (certainly no Blackwings!), but we would still be better off overall.

Anyways, I think this is just a smokescreen to distract attention from what Musk is doing elsewhere in the US government.
If I might add something that the current and past Canadian administrations all agree upon and that is that free trade agreements requires fair trade policies between the trading partners, and the Chinese are not fair traders and so no free trade with them.
Despite what should be an alliance between our countries in that regard - which previously existed - we get thrown into the burn-everything-to-the-ground approach to these issues currently espoused in respect of seemingly every public policy issue by your new/old president.
I’m getting political again - damn!
It’s funny to listen to people loosing it on TV, it’s like they haven’t learned anything in the last 8 years. Things are happening so fast the news from 2 hours ago is old news. Legacy media can’t keep up and their heads are spinning.
It’s funny to listen to people loosing it on TV, it’s like they haven’t learned anything in the last 8 years. Things are happening so fast the news from 2 hours ago is old news. Legacy media can’t keep up and their heads are spinning.
New media / old media all want our heads to spin.
Whether it’s CNN, Fox, YouTube, Instagram, X, Apple or Google newsfeed, Alsofans, whatever, outrage creates attention creates advertising revenue and we’re all worse for it.
Including me.
For example, my attention-span has been so f*cked up by the constant flow of information I can’t help but pause the actually pretty-good movie I’m watching right now on Netflix to follow this thread and comment.
Even while doing it I realize it’s not a healthy way to be.
Ok, back to the show.
You don't tariff a country who is a great ally and trade partner (i.e. Canada) because 1% of immigration and fentanyl come across the border unless you're a moron or like @bamagrad03 said, you want something.

On another note, I think the Supra is pretty cool. I've tried to talk my wife into one. I bet if it was a convertible she'd be all over it.
That's just what the Media wants you to believe? The precursors for the Fenty is readily available in Canada and can be shipped in small packages to USA undeclared under 800.00 USD and almost never be confiscated over and over etc. Production and distribution on the other hand has SKY Rocketed in Canada too. Just because .01% is plastered across CNN as confiscated from Canadian Border really means unlimited supplies crossing daily from mules,cars,trucks,planes, and rail......Almost all going south to where the demand is, USA BABY!

Give the "Orange Guy" a god-dang good ol' fashion pat on the back for doing something about it??????????????????

Get informed before spouting off "Agent Orange" is some dumb idiot going to ruin the world...That was Joseph R. Biden but 1/2 of Americans were clueless from the MEDIA Onslaught trying to take down TRUMP, which it didn't happen and god bless the USA~!
Them exploding LT4s are the most dangerous things crossing the border!
Which gets us back to why - or at least maybe why - this thread has been hijacked about tariffs and other boring sub-topics and tangents, probably mainly by me.
The question has been answered.
Should you avoid buying this car because of worries about the LT4 blowing up?
F*ck no!
If it does, it will be replaced under warranty and you’ll still be driving one of the most fun and desirable sedans ever built by any manufacturer on the planet.
Which gets us back to why - or at least maybe why - this thread has been hijacked about tariffs and other boring sub-topics and tangents, probably mainly by me.
The question has been answered.
Should you avoid buying this car because of worries about the LT4 blowing up?
F*ck no!
If it does, it will be replaced under warranty and you’ll still be driving one of the most fun and desirable sedans ever built by any manufacturer on the planet.
💯 Something we can all agree on.

We may also be able to agree on rumored policies that might be put in place to extend the production lifespan of the American-made V8 (CAFE rollbacks). Heck, I'd buy it even if it was made in Canada and I had to drain out the maple syrup before the first drive! :chuckle
Whoa, talk about a hijacked thread.
Kenan Thompson Reaction GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
That's just what the Media wants you to believe? The precursors for the Fenty is readily available in Canada and can be shipped in small packages to USA undeclared under 800.00 USD and almost never be confiscated over and over etc. Production and distribution on the other hand has SKY Rocketed in Canada too. Just because .01% is plastered across CNN as confiscated from Canadian Border really means unlimited supplies crossing daily from mules,cars,trucks,planes, and rail......Almost all going south to where the demand is, USA BABY!

Give the "Orange Guy" a god-dang good ol' fashion pat on the back for doing something about it??????????????????

Get informed before spouting off "Agent Orange" is some dumb idiot going to ruin the world...That was Joseph R. Biden but 1/2 of Americans were clueless from the MEDIA Onslaught trying to take down TRUMP, which it didn't happen and god bless the USA~!
I would rather let a bunch of junkies die by overdosing on fentanyl than ruin a relationship with an ally and increase the prices of all of the products that we import from them and start a pointless trade war. Nobody's ever going to stop the drug trade, not ever. Why punish the other 99% of the population with higher priced energy, gas, lumber, many things, on the pretense that they're going to end the drug war? The amount of fentanyl overdoses was already declining anyway. That's what happens when the product kills off its customer base.
Ah yes the war on drugs and nice logical fallacy there to go with it. Many administrations before have spent billions/maybe trillions and they haven’t put a dent in the amount of drugs in the US over the decades.

I’m guessing the people didn’t vote to crash the economy in the effort to stem the flow of drugs.

I’m not saying he/the current administration shouldn’t try, but I’m guessing it’ll work out the way it always has. Billions down the tubes and drugs still a plentiful on the street……
The alternative is what? Toss our hands up and say the problem is too big to solve. That’s not who we are as Americans. Americans fight against insurmountable odds and never give up.

Nothing is off the table. Maybe we send in Delta (they’re already in country) with air support and take out labs and cartel leaders. Maybe a few B2 bombers. Stay tuned, it’s just the beginning.
The alternative is what? Toss our hands up and say the problem is too big to solve. That’s not who we are as Americans. Americans fight against insurmountable odds and never give up.

Nothing is off the table. Maybe we send in Delta (they’re already in country) with air support and take out labs and cartel leaders. Maybe a few B2 bombers. Stay tuned, it’s just the beginning.
Look up just how much we the US taxpayers have spent on the war on drugs since the 70s. It hasn’t stemmed the flow of drugs one iota, just like prohibition didn’t stop people from drinking. Speaking of alcohol, it’s a far bigger problem than fentanyl and other drugs. Yet we Americans have thrown up our hands and pretty much given up on that.

You will never Delta or B2 your way out of the drug trade, ever. As long as there is insatiable demand and a huge pile of money to be made anyway.

From yours and others myopic only US view, why is potentially hurting tens of thousands to millions of US citizens jobs/lives etc worth it? Especially when it’s a trade agreement Trump’s own administration negotiated and he signed in his first term. You can play the bully card only so many times before it becomes less and less effective.

It very well could just be a show of force to make it look like he’s trying to fix an insurmountable problem as he quickly moves on to other things. Aka campaign “promises.”

FWIW, I do agree with it in regards to China. That makes total sense as they’ve played fast and loose with the trade rules etc forever.
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Securing the border is also about human trafficking. The last administration “lost” over 300,000 children. The US needs to do it. I’m not smart enough to know the best methods so I’ll let the professionals handle it.

I do find it beyond lunacy that liberal cities are soft on drug crimes and pass out free kits to drug addicts. But let a law abiding citizen that passes a background check carry a gun and they yell and scream the world is going to end. As hard as I try I will never understand how they think.
I don't remember who it was or where, but I think it was a Colombian government official who said something along the lines of "it's not our fault that illegal drugs go into the USA. If they stop the demand, we'll stop sending it."

Unfortunately, that's the basis of it, as suggested earlier in the thread. As long as there is demand and huge profits, drugs will get in here, somehow.

And many fentanyl addicts are former opioid addicts who can no longer get a legal prescription and have trouble scoring heroin. Or so I've heard.
I wouldn't worry about the BW blowing up too much. What do we know of? 10? 20? Call it 30 for fun. It wouldn't stop me from buying one. The 6.2L in the trucks/suvs, that would....and has....stopped me from buying one. Based on comments from different sources and dealer techs, there are close to 3000 waiting for engines. Sounds like more of a "not if, but when" situation? Although, how many 6.2L's have been built since 2015? I read a article about a dealer having one with 4 miles and it blew up.
Imagine having a reputation for building V8 engines for the past 75 years. Then imagine not being good at it. 🤦🏻

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