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Pressure Washing


Seasoned Member
Aug 31, 2023
Central TX
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2023 CT4-V Blackwing
I have a 2023 4BW Road Atlanta IMSA car.

I take very good care of my cars. I use the two bucket wash procedure.

My question is, if the car were to become really, really filthy and a pressure washer might be necessary, would it strip off the graphics on the hood? Thanks, Don
As long as you are using 2000 psi or less, using a 40 degree nozzle and stay at least a foot away from the surface, you should be fine. YouTube has a lot of videos on pressure washing and appropriate equipment.
I would never take the chance of pressure washing-especially with special edition decals. Foam cannon soak followed by hand wash and normal hose pressure rinse for me
I would be careful with a pressure washer. Electric only and keep distance.
There are other cleaning products you can use that will be just as effective and less risky. I use Turtle Wax Bug & Tar remover for the stuff that gets caked on and I’ve never had an issue being able to get it off. Years ago I used a pressure washer on one of my cars and it stripped some of the paint off. Not worth it in my opinion.
I would never take the chance of pressure washing-especially with special edition decals. Foam cannon soak followed by hand wash and normal hose pressure rinse for me
An intelligent alternative. I do have a foam cannon. Don
Many detailers use a pressure washer as part of the initial cleaning process. Every DIY car wash in America is based on a pressure washer. I've been using one for 15+ plus years on dozens of cars, no issues. Like @BW56M said don't act like you're trying to remove 3 year old gum from a NYC sidewalk and you'll be fine.
I do have a foam cannon.
If you have a foam cannon, I assume you have a pressure washer. A 2000 psi pressure washer rated at 1.2 gallons per minute, using a 40° nozzle with a 2.5 orifice, will equate to approximately 1100 psi at the tip. Most detailers prefer 1050 to 1200 psi, which is very safe. Again, there are dozens of YouTubes that explain psi, gallons per minute and orifice sizing to keep your pressure washer within a safe operating range.
I use an 1800 psi electric pressure washer. With a 40° nozzle, water comes out and feels like a strong mist. Keeping a foot distance and holding the gun as straight as possible seems very safe.
I have a Green Works 1900 psi electric pressure washer. I use it on all of my cars. The pressure washer with a 25-40 degree tip works just fine as long as you are not 2 inches away. It works best on the wheels and to get the grit out from under the rubber trim. I have hot & cold water hooked up . I just got a foam cannon from Amazon and love how the soap stays on the car until I use the micro fiber wash mop. I use the hand mitt to get into the door jams, trunk / hood edges and especially the bottom of the doors.
*** A quick test to see if your paint is spotless, is to take a small plastic bag (Ziploc sandwich works great) and put your hand in it . Then pass your fingers over the paint. It amplifies your finger touch sensitivity and you will feel if there is stuff stuck on your paint.
GM/Cadillac has to expect that some are going to take these through a touch less car wash at some point. As others have said, as long as you aren't going crazy with the pressure, it’ll be fine.
If you have a foam cannon, I assume you have a pressure washer. A 2000 psi pressure washer rated at 1.2 gallons per minute, using a 40° nozzle with a 2.5 orifice, will equate to approximately 1100 psi at the tip. Most detailers prefer 1050 to 1200 psi, which is very safe. Again, there are dozens of YouTubes that explain psi, gallons per minute and orifice sizing to keep your pressure washer within a safe operating range.
Nah, wish I had a pressure washer. Mine is a simple device hooked up to the hose bib but it does coat the car with a nice layer of foam. Don
I have a 2023 4BW Road Atlanta IMSA car.

I take very good care of my cars. I use the two bucket wash procedure.

My question is, if the car were to become really, really filthy and a pressure washer might be necessary, would it strip off the graphics on the hood? Thanks, Don
There is no better way to wash your car than to use a properly sorted pressure washer. You need one that hits the sweet spot for cars. These aren't the same systems you use to clean your deck or sidewalk.

Follow that link at your wallets peril.
Pre-soaking with a foamed/non-foamed cleaning agent and letting it dwell will make 99% of dirt fall off with very little pressure. I use a pressure washer every car wash, I've had cars with decals as well, and never had a problem. like others have said, distance, nozzle, and pressure washer output is important. Mine is adjustable, from 1200psi all the way to 4500psi. It wasn't cheap, but I can do the car and household projects with it.
Follow that link at your wallets peril.
Tell me about it. But it was the smartest thing I’ve done for my myself and vehicles. Truely touchless and a huge time saver as no towel drying required.

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Nice setup! Where did you get the water filter from... I have hard water and I am looking for a similar solution.
Thanks. The filter is a CR Spotless DIC-20. It seems to work fine with my water with TDS of 180. The filter life depends on the water TDS. I purchased a cheap TDS meter from Amazon. If you have a lot of cars to wash or a really high TDS, I’d probably look into a local water service company filter delivery program. Will be less expensive in the long run.

TDS Meter Digital Water Tester,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07H578WWT?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
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I have a home rainwater collection system along with sediment and charcoal filters and UV.

So, having said that anyone have suggestions for a car only pressure washer? Thanks, Don
I have a home rainwater collection system along with sediment and charcoal filters and UV.

So, having said that anyone have suggestions for a car only pressure washer? Thanks, Don
Have you had the car ceramic coated or any PPF? I leave in a very buggy area in the summer and I find that helps out massively to remove them. Plus regular dirt etc. So much so that I usually just use a rinse less wash and can wipe out down/dry it very quickly. I don’t use a pressure washer, just this, I spray a panel at a time, dry it and move on to the next.


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