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Dirty Car


Seasoned Member
Aug 31, 2023
Central TX
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2023 CT4-V Blackwing
While I do have a 4BW, I have a very nice and shiny Kia Stinger GT1.

Day before yesterday, I washed the car, car paint felt like glass. Left the garage door open and the howling, freaking TX wind blew grit all over it. Next day I rinsed it off, no improvement. Rinsed it off today, no improvement. Used the two bucket procedure with grit guards and Meguiar's car soap. No better!

Anyone have suggestions? Thanks, Don
Needs a good polish now. I’d try a light grit first. Perhaps have a shop do it.
Dealership reminded me of Clay Magic. Of course they really wanted to send me to a detailer, for $200

Clay Magic is working wonders. The hood, half of the roof and trunk area feel really nice. Complete the job and put a coat of wax on and it will be great!!!! Happy camper! Don
Many years ago I drove my S4 through a massive sand storm in the desert and it literally sand blasted my paint and had to take it to a pro. I was on a major highway and had few options, except for turning around and going back and waiting.
After I had done all I wanted to on the Stinger, I realized my 4BW had the same type of nasty deposits, fortunately less severe. So, need two more packages of Clay Magic and fix the BW. A lot of work created by allowing TX sandblasting.

Won't make that mistake again. Don

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