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What did you do to your Blackwing today?

Hit 1776 miles today. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Sorry, let me try a rephrase. I have driven over 600 miles now! Might as well post another pic.

View attachment 12754
Aerodynamic downforce ladies and gentlemen: aerodynamic downforce.

Edit: Oh sure ruin the joke. The pic was upside down folks, hence this and Australia, lol
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Aerodynamic downforce ladies and gentlemen: aerodynamic downforce.

Edit: Oh sure ruin the joke. The pic was upside down folks, hence this and Australia, lol
It showed up in the thumbnail as upside down but when I inserted it was right side up. But it's from an iPhone posted with a Mac so who knows.
Drove it all the way to Australia :ROFLMAO:
It was a quick trip at redline in 6th.
I do have some, but I don't think it's a good idea with all salt. I'll need to find a nearby place where I can rinse all that off first.
Find a touchless for salt, then do waterless in the warmth of your garage.

Just did waterless with Meguiars this week for the first time... and very happy.
... and within 15 minutes after these pictures were taken a bird dropped a bomb and hit me directly center hood with collateral spray hitting the windshield and edges of hood. If I was in combat I'd have been a goner with that hit🤣


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View attachment 13076View attachment 13077
Probably the last hand wash of the year. Haven't decided how to wash it during the winter...
I have to stipulate to Shadow Metallic being the 'best' or I get kicked out of the SMC - but that is easily my other fave 5BW. The black bits work so so well with the silver/grey. Plus the lighter interior too.
I mean it's no Honda Odyssey, but still such a lovely looking car :)

Coin op with soap gun, high-pressure rinse for the touch less wash, then nice clean towels to dry it off will get the job done in the winter IMHO.
I had black Xpel applied to the roof. I had the Xpel re applied to the hood after the repaint, also did the A-pillars.

More pics after I pick the car up Friday.

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