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What did you do to your Blackwing today?

Completed title and registration this afternoon and now have plates in hand. Super-smooth out of state process, actually had the same DMV lady as when I was there ~2 weeks ago.
By the way, thought you'd like to know that my detailer says that short of a car accident (he recommended letting my car insurance know about the ppf for accident coverage) he'd cover 'everything' (ppf/labor) for the full the full 12 year warranty (LLumar Valor) if I am ever not happy with any aspect of the ppf (he said I can always go to him or he'd give me a list of other certified LLumar dealers if I'm not in the area). So I'm thinking you should have the same stipulation with your ppf being the same with regards to your rock chip. 👍
Got my radar detector hardwired. Used the 5 amp parking brake fuse in the side panel and a hardwire kit for the fuse panel and the Radenso XP. Tucked the wires in the headliner and the A pillars and ran it down into the fuse panel. Was about a 30 minute job.
What kind of fuse is used for that circuit? I want to use an add a circuit and tap into it that way.
Welp. I took the car to the dealership to get the CF rear spoiler installed and to get its first oil change done. Ended up getting nothing done today. The dealer said they needed the car for longer so the rust inhibitor could cure (from the new holes needed to install the spoiler), and they didn't have the 0W40 oil required. Going to try again in 9 days...
Picked it up from PPF/Ceramic/Tint :love:

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Hot Damn! That is bad @ss. If you had a number on the side, it would look like you could drive right into the next Nascar race. That CF1 look makes the car look much meaner. Sad it wasn't available when my order came up.
Today, on day 4 of ownership, I verified that the driveway inclination sensors located at the corners of the front bumper are functional.



Yup, both of them.


I dropped my son off at a friend's house and pulled into a driveway I've pulled into before without incident in my S2000, but the 4BW was having none of that. Message received.

Anyone replaced these before? Looks like they are only held on by 4 hex screws...I assume I can just order two more at the dealership.

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