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Random questions from a 2025 CT4 BW owner


Active Member
Oct 10, 2024
Bay Area, CA
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2025 CT4V BW MT
Owner since last October, loving this thing, even when I have deal with shifting in traffic up a slight incline. Haven't spent a lot of time on downtown San Francisco hills. On the one occasion, I just hit the P button and let it release automatically when the light turned green. Still, I get anxious when cars ride my bumper at the lights. Does no one remember rollbacks?!

During my ownership, I've noticed a few things that I'm curious if others have an answer for. Feel free to add yours, I may learn something.
  • When approaching my car with the key, the lights flash I hear a whirring sound. Similar when I turn off the car w/ the button. What the heck is that? I like it, kinda makes me feel like I'm driving a Transformer.
  • With the Tour mode them, I notice this bold line along the right of the speedometer. I swear it moves. If so, what does it indicate?


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I believe the buzzing sound is the gas cap door locking and unlocking.

The line you have circled is a page indicator for the right panel (kind of like a scroll bar on a computer app).
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I believe the buzzing sound is the gas cap door locking and unlocking.

The line you have circled is a page indicator for the right panel (kind of like a scroll bar on a computer app).
Did they add a locking gas cap for the 4V BW? I didn’t think they had one from what I’m remembering from my previous 23 4V BW. Are you sure it isn’t’t the fuel pump making that noise? I definitely could be wrong on both.
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Does no one remember rollbacks?!
:ROFLMAO: Must people don't even know manuals still exist much less how to drive them. So remembering rollback is way outside probably 80% of drivers recall these days.
Not to mention clueless drivers in general that think they need to be sitting in your passenger seat from the car they actually driving.
Did they add a locking gas cap for the 4V BW? I didn’t think they had one from what I’m remembering from my previous 23 4V BW. Are you sure it isn’t’t the fuel ump making that noise? I definitely could be wrong on both.
I think you're right, I was thinking wrong car.
Are you sure it isn’t’t the fuel pump making that noise? I definitely could be wrong on both.
This would be my guess. My old 335 has low and high pressure fuel pumps and makes a similar noise getting the fuel system pressurized to the ungodly PSI it operates at.
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  • When approaching my car with the key, the lights flash I hear a whirring sound. Similar when I turn off the car w/ the button. What the heck is that? I like it, kinda makes me feel like I'm driving a Transformer.
Curious what that is too, as the CT5 also makes that kind of cool but mysterious Transformer sound.
Most modern manuals come with hill assist. And if you're rolling back on inclines, need to be quicker on the clutch/throttle engagement.

You can turn off the setting for the lights when it senses the key is nearby. But the sound you're hearing is the fuel pump priming.
Owner since last October, loving this thing, even when I have deal with shifting in traffic up a slight incline. Haven't spent a lot of time on downtown San Francisco hills. On the one occasion, I just hit the P button and let it release automatically when the light turned green. Still, I get anxious when cars ride my bumper at the lights. Does no one remember rollbacks?!

During my ownership, I've noticed a few things that I'm curious if others have an answer for. Feel free to add yours, I may learn something.
  • When approaching my car with the key, the lights flash I hear a whirring sound. Similar when I turn off the car w/ the button. What the heck is that? I like it, kinda makes me feel like I'm driving a Transformer.
  • With the Tour mode them, I notice this bold line along the right of the speedometer. I swear it moves. If so, what does it indicate?
The noise is the fuel pump priming.
Older cars used to do it when the driver's door was opened.

The second is the scroll bar for the menu.
The hill assist on the 4BW is pretty good (almost too good). I don't like fighting against the parking brake, so I'll wait a second on a hill before using the clutch/accelerator.
The hill assist on the 4BW is pretty good (almost too good). I don't like fighting against the parking brake, so I'll wait a second on a hill before using the clutch/accelerator.
It's seamless, one of the best I've used in any automobile.
:ROFLMAO: Must people don't even know manuals still exist much less how to drive them. So remembering rollback is way outside probably 80% of drivers recall these days.
Not to mention clueless drivers in general that think they need to be sitting in your passenger seat from the car they actually driving.
I'll sometimes "remind" people about rollback in the right situation. Uphill stoplight, I'll pull forward a little too far then roll back a little, so they see it. Or maybe I just like reminding them that a car like this still comes with a manual transmission. :)

No, I'm not so slow that the car will actually roll back when driving away. I just don't want or need hill start assist enabled (unfortunately, I can't disable it on one of my cars). Hill start assist adds nothing to my life, only inconvenience and delay if I do want to roll back (albeit minor).
Hill assist should be optional to keep active/inactive same with rev match.
Owner since last October, loving this thing, even when I have deal with shifting in traffic up a slight incline. Haven't spent a lot of time on downtown San Francisco hills. On the one occasion, I just hit the P button and let it release automatically when the light turned green. Still, I get anxious when cars ride my bumper at the lights. Does no one remember rollbacks?!

During my ownership, I've noticed a few things that I'm curious if others have an answer for. Feel free to add yours, I may learn something.
  • When approaching my car with the key, the lights flash I hear a whirring sound. Similar when I turn off the car w/ the button. What the heck is that? I like it, kinda makes me feel like I'm driving a Transformer.
  • With the Tour mode them, I notice this bold line along the right of the speedometer. I swear it moves. If so, what does it indicate?
Do you know how to heel/toe downshift? Look up the technique its a lot of fun but you can use a version to blip the throttle while your foot is on the brake to get the revs up a bit so when you actually get on the gas to start letting out the clutch, you're doing so from over 1000rpm, not very high but a bit higher setpoint so when you let out clutch with a bit of gas the pre-built momentum in the drive train can shorten your clutch takeup so you don't slip, don't roll back and still get moving.

You have not done true three pedal driving without heel toeing because you are literally using all three pedals at the same time, gas, brake AND clutch.

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