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Pics of your Blackwing in regular parking spots

Years back, like in '98/'99, I had a '95 caddy STS and someone parked close to me like that, but even left a barely noticeable mark/scuff where their door touched my car. So once I got in my car I composed myself, then opened my door again just enough to get my arm out. Gave a good 5-6 punches with my left fist and left several knuckle marks/dings in their door. I felt better after that.

The things you could do before there were cameras everywhere.....
I really wish I could post this GIF here lol click for entertainment
@M2Cto4BW .....Let's see. No one else parked nearby, check. 15 minutes parking, check. Gas, check. Potty, check. Air pump, check. Tractor trailer full of food, check. As long as that truck has booze, yup, you got it all. Good job!
@M2Cto4BW .....Let's see. No one else parked nearby, check. 15 minutes parking, check. Gas, check. Potty, check. Air pump, check. Tractor trailer full of food, check. As long as that truck has booze, yup, you got it all. Good job!
Lolol! Spot on, it's like one of those 'spot all the things...' pics we had as kids :)
There was also a tamales cart off stage-right, but I'd have needed to be over by the highway entrance to get that.
@M2Cto4BW .....Let's see. No one else parked nearby, check. 15 minutes parking, check. Gas, check. Potty, check. Air pump, check. Tractor trailer full of food, check. As long as that truck has booze, yup, you got it all. Good job!
Sunshine, beach, and ocean ain't bad either😉
Years back, like in '98/'99, I had a '95 caddy STS and someone parked close to me like that, but even left a barely noticeable mark/scuff where their door touched my car. So once I got in my car I composed myself, then opened my door again just enough to get my arm out. Gave a good 5-6 punches with my left fist and left several knuckle marks/dings in their door. I felt better after that.

The things you could do before there were cameras everywhere.....
I see this crap all the time and I just can't wrap my mind around the thought process these morons go thru when they pull this crap? We park and walk a good distance to get away, and they pull us back in? I just don't get it? Sounds like you're fist delivered some "Justice" PERFECT! That's therapy my friend! Caddy has cams now to catch the action!
I hadn't realised the carwash place was beside a paddock before this morning:

Man, you post a lot of pics.

And I just never get tired of looking at them.

It think your 4BW and marfan's #oldladyspec 5BW are the two best-looking cars on this forum.
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Xpel'd roof
^Very nice! There was a OM 4BW support group at your place or something ;)

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