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Pics of your Blackwing in regular parking spots

View attachment 13046
View attachment 13047
Every. Damn. Time. 300 other parking spaces and they choose the back of the parking lot 6 inches from the nicest car in the lot
Every. Damn. Time. 300 other parking spaces and they choose the back of the parking lot 6 inches from the nicest car in the lot
Happens to me every time!! I park out in the boonies and walk into a store, and I come out, 20 cars parked all around me and all the empty spots are close to the store.
@jumpmanjay .....And by the way, ON the white line. Not even centered in the spot. It's assholes like this that make me second guess buying ANY nice vehicle over about $50K.
Adding insult to literal injury, I recently tore my MCL, so it was actually painful trying to squeeze myself into the car.
M3 vs 5BW thoughts?
The M3 Competition is good although I didn’t really test its handling. I’d say I’m biased towards the 5BW, especially given I have a manual. After ending day 1 at Spring Mountain riding shotgun with an instructor behind the wheel I’m even further biased towards the 5BW. What an incredible machine!
Years back, like in '98/'99, I had a '95 caddy STS and someone parked close to me like that, but even left a barely noticeable mark/scuff where their door touched my car. So once I got in my car I composed myself, then opened my door again just enough to get my arm out. Gave a good 5-6 punches with my left fist and left several knuckle marks/dings in their door. I felt better after that.

The things you could do before there were cameras everywhere.....

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