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Pics of your Blackwing in regular parking spots

I absolutely do, and it drives my daughters nuts .... little do they know, they're learning/absorbing this thought process the whole time!

I wouldn't even call it "thought" at this point. It's instinctive. You just look at that spot and instantly know that you know you need to back in.

I also do the tap against the baseboard thing if I'm wearing shoes. But I'll go one step further: Often I'll wear sandals or flip flops. I take the right sandal off as I'm getting into the car, then the left--never actually stepping in the car with dirty shoes. Bang them together, get all the dirt off, stash them sole-to-sole in the footwell, then drive barefoot. Don't laugh until you've tried it!
I'm not laughing. 💯 I've been there
Easy now, your a little close to that front splitter!

That looks like the kind of spot you should back into, not only to avoid getting close to the splitter but to get closer to the curbed edge. Get farther away from the next car to park in the neighboring spot. And avoid having to step into the dirt when you exit/enter the car once you do that.

Y'all would be displeased if you saw what my park job looked like in that same spot today. I took a pic of it, but I don't wanna get yelled at :Steer

The more I look at it, I'm starting to think that if you park there regularly you will find that you can back it in to the *side* of the concrete barrier, thus getting the car a little deeper into the space, and further away from the main flow of traffic....
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Y'all would be displeased if you saw what my park job looked like in that same spot today. I took a pic of it, but I don't wanna get yelled at :Steer

It's okay. You can share the whole series of pictures a few weeks from now, as your parking gets better and better over time. :)
@Tall Steve @bloominguez Good call

They grow up so quick. Much much better!
I see the cement block has been knocked askew a bit, so it's fair enough if it not being totally perpendicular to the line and curb still throws you off a bit, lol

I will say again, never would have considered this color before seeing your car, it's so sharp with all the black accents. Although it's more Red Raiders and Aggies color, so hopefully none of the yokel locals give you any grief.
They grow up so quick. Much much better!
I see the cement block has been knocked askew a bit, so it's fair enough if it not being totally perpendicular to the line and curb still throws you off a bit, lol

I will say again, never would have considered this color before seeing your car, it's so sharp with all the black accents. Although it's more Red Raiders and Aggies color, so hopefully none of the yokel locals give you any grief.

Thanks! I am all about red with black accents (see profile pic)

Very nice!

Next step: Check the height of the concrete bumper (not sure what to call it). If above the rear diffuser, then just nudge the car back until you kiss it with the left rear wheel. Don't let your nose stick out any farther than it has to.

Continuing with the overthinking...

Check your parking lines on the display as you reverse, remember reference points. Just like you find reference points on the pavement if you're at the track establishing lines through a corner. In this way you'll get more comfortable getting closer to the right side of the parking space without worrying about scuffing your wheels.

I forget which cameras views are available, but maybe you can hit the camera button in your center dash stack for better views. If I'm going to leave my car parked in my garage for a while I sometimes turn those on and get the car right up to the edge of the garage.

Advanced class...

Slip the car deeper into the space to the side of the concrete parking bumper. Might not be possible, but you never know. Observe over time, see if it's possible. :)
I absolutely do, and it drives my daughters nuts .... little do they know, they're learning/absorbing this thought process the whole time!

I wouldn't even call it "thought" at this point. It's instinctive. You just look at that spot and instantly know that you know you need to back in.

I also do the tap against the baseboard thing if I'm wearing shoes. But I'll go one step further: Often I'll wear sandals or flip flops. I take the right sandal off as I'm getting into the car, then the left--never actually stepping in the car with dirty shoes. Bang them together, get all the dirt off, stash them sole-to-sole in the footwell, then drive barefoot. Don't laugh until you've tried it!
I drive barefoot all the time. Maybe in the old days folks needed to use shoes for some reason, but bare feet give much better tactile feedback IMHO. I kept the flipflops on the floorboard in the passenger seat in case I get pulled over.

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