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Pics of your Blackwing in regular parking spots

Ok one more - not a "regular" parking spot. I take this drive to the local coffee shop and love how the trees arch over. So this morning, with zero traffic, i parked her in the middle(ish), jumped out, ran, snapped...ran back. And BOOM.

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That shot should be on Cadillac's marketing material! Great photo!
You cannot make this up.
I got here at 6:45, popped back out to the car ar 7:15, smh
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At least you're surrounded by a Vette and another Cadillac. With my previous car (the IS-F), I came back to my car and saw this:

Beautiful. Love that area. I've been there (including that exact place) many times on the bikes. My 5BW will be making a trip up there this fall. 226A is one of the finest roads I've ridden on in the world.

I've been doing the loop of up 80 to the parkway, over to little Switzerland, down the east side of 226, and back up the west side of 226A to little Switzerland. I need to come UP the east side of 226, but I'm afraid I'd get myself in trouble in all those wide passing zones.
Sometimes I wonder if it's because they figure you'll take care of each other, or is it because people are sheep (or is it goats). Ever watch people at a toll booth?
Oh sure it's like having Hutch and Walt clear the D-line out on a sweep left. Just found it funny after yesterday. Go GM Fighting HPs:LOL:
Beautiful. Love that area. I've been there (including that exact place) many times on the bikes. My 5BW will be making a trip up there this fall. 226A is one of the finest roads I've ridden on in the world.

Came down that road a few years ago. Probably better going up.🙂
I've been doing the loop of up 80 to the parkway, over to little Switzerland, down the east side of 226, and back up the west side of 226A to little Switzerland. I need to come UP the east side of 226, but I'm afraid I'd get myself in trouble in all those wide passing zones.

I've done those loops as well, cutting across Tom's Creek Road to connect.
Quick jaunt to (Little) Switzerland. I am liking the look of the tech bronze wheels when completely coated in brake dust.
View attachment 11884
Is it just me, or is nobody parked in actual parking spots in this photo? The Suby is perpendicular to the spot and you're not actually in a marked spot. lol
Is it just me, or is nobody parked in actual parking spots in this photo? The Suby is perpendicular to the spot and you're not actually in a marked spot. lol

It's a odd-shaped, tight parking lot. It's never completely organized. Motorcycles mixed in mess things up, too. It's all good, nobody cares.

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