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Manual trans owners--both 4 and 5

By the time you get your GRC or CTR at msrp, you'll be turning that seat forward within a few month. Both my kids were in rear facing till 2, which at that point their knees were in a 90 degree bend jamming up against the back of the seat.

I just don't see why anyone would want to spend over $50k on a 3cyl, 3rd world interior, FWD biased AWD system when there are so many better performing alternatives. I can say they will hold their value like non other (you could probably drive them for 7 yrs and sell it for 70% of what you paid for it).

I am curious, what is so appealing about these vehicles?
The GRC is basically a street legal rally car. Bit of an homologation special. That makes it cool and part of a history of cool such cars like the Integrale
By the time you get your GRC or CTR at msrp, you'll be turning that seat forward within a few month. Both my kids were in rear facing till 2, which at that point their knees were in a 90 degree bend jamming up against the back of the seat.

I just don't see why anyone would want to spend over $50k on a 3cyl, 3rd world interior, FWD biased AWD system when there are so many better performing alternatives. I can say they will hold their value like non other (you could probably drive them for 7 yrs and sell it for 70% of what you paid for it).

I am curious, what is so appealing about these vehicles?
AWD + back seat + manual transmission + over 300hp. It's essentially the WRX/STi formula That's a lot of fun, and the appeal, and if you could get them for MSRP they're a great value too. But you can't, like you and others have said.
I clearly have mixed emotions on this and I shouldn't pass judgement on such a niche product. I really want to love the GRC but it's cost vs performance margins are higher than it's competition. I feel the GR86 and Supra 6M are much better values; I guess this is what happens when Toyota doesn't outsource.

If only they made more of them, the cost would go down but then it might run the risk of being a less practical, slightly better performing STI.

Also found out that rear facing car seat don’t fit unless I cut my wife’s legs off so might have to rethink this choice
That backseat is about as practical as an M2, whereas the CTR is a very functional 4 door. The AWD is nice but realistically you would have to get all seasons/winter tires if you drove either of these cars in winter. I say get on the list for a CTR, your wife will thank you for it😉.
What is considered "warmed up" for the manual trans in the 5BW?

My trans temp is 122-125 degrees after 30 mins of driving on the highway in 75 degree weather, sometimes it goes to 125 but it drops back to 122.
What is considered "warmed up" for the manual trans in the 5BW?

My trans temp is 122-125 degrees after 30 mins of driving on the highway in 75 degree weather, sometimes it goes to 125 but it drops back to 122.
That is about what my manual 4BW trans runs at under similar conditions with normal driving. Even after running for an hour straight.
I got back from spring mountain and I had an amazing time! The 5BW I got has over 6k mi and I immediately noticed how buttery smooth it shifted when cold or warm, so consistent in all gears I was really impressed. Then I thought about how much abuse and the hundreds of different drivers that car has had in 2 years. I got in my own car right after and my trans feels like a stick in a box of rocks.

Stiff 2nd gear engagement started aprox. 1k mi. When cold, getting the shifter from 1st to 2nd gear below 3k rpm difficult, slight grind, won't fully go in to 2nd. It was fine after driving it for half hour and using rev match.

FF 9 mo/6k mi and even with 122 degrees trans temp and rev match on I can hear the resistance when shifting 1st to 2nd and now downshifts and standstills in 1st is doing the same. I had a bad grind once because it didn't fully go in. 2nd gear (and sometimes 1st) feel like they have 2 engagement points. 3rd and 4th feel fine, 5th, 6th and reverse are also starting to get notchy. If I double clutch it shifts smoothly, I don't think it's fully disengaging.
You might want the dealer to take a look at the clutch. There have been some reports on the 5bw of the clutch line coming loose and your symptoms could be caused by a clutch that isn't being fully disengaged.
Last night I looked under the hood, under the brake/clutch reservoir there is a round frail plastic bracket (GM 24291900) that was attached to the clutch line (GM 24295659) but it's just dangling there. The bottom of the bracket is a plastic rivet which is supposed to attach to the side of the shock tower but 1 tab was broken.


It sounds like a trip to the dealer is in order. If they try to tell you your car is normal you can point to your experience at Spring Mountain to tell them your car clearly has something wrong after driving one that was not messed up. I’m very interested to hear how you make out. Please post what happens when you go to the dealer.
@myfirstcadillac. I did not drive it much over the winter, but it is a little better. If driven hard (high rpm/forceful shifts) its good. Driven normally but only shifting above 3k with a firm hand and its OK. Driven easy/just cruising around it sucks. It is annoying because like you said, I feel like I have to be conscious of how I shift all the time rather than just driving and enjoying the car. I plan on trying Mobil 1 synth ATF soon but I don't expect it will make much difference. From everything I've read, its just the nature of the Tremec--you either get a good one, or you get a temperamental one. I've been getting intermittent "service SRS" and "service door latch systems" messages lately so I'll likely take it in soon, but I'm not expecting a fix.
I’ve tried HP MTF and it didn’t help so I went back to Dex III and it helped only a little. I went to the dealer today and had their “manual transmission guy” drive the car while I was in it. He agreed that it isn’t right and experienced the same issue with the car getting stuck in 2nd after a panic stop in 2nd gear. He is going to call GM and I have an appointment this Tuesday for them to pull the transmission and figure out what the issue is.
One theory is that the random shipping companies used over the last 2 years may have damaged the transmission during transport. I guess I will have to wait and see how this gets resolved.
I’ve tried HP MTF and it didn’t help so I went back to Dex III and it helped only a little. I went to the dealer today and had their “manual transmission guy” drive the car while I was in it. He agreed that it isn’t right and experienced the same issue with the car getting stuck in 2nd after a panic stop in 2nd gear. He is going to call GM and I have an appointment this Tuesday for them to pull the transmission and figure out what the issue is.
One theory is that the random shipping companies used over the last 2 years may have damaged the transmission during transport. I guess I will have to wait and see how this gets resolved.
When they pulled the transmission, I'm curious what they found was the problem(s) (clutch, Flywheel, hydraulics or transmission)?

If it was the trans are they rebuilding it or are you getting a new one?
I dropped the car off at the dealership on Tuesday and they had gone back and forth with the engineers at GM for several days before taking action. One of the GM engineers said it could be a problem with the skip shift solenoid. I let the service writer know that the car doesn't have the skip shift feature. They moved it further up the chain of engineers and finally got a recommendation from GM today to pull the transmission to inspect the trans, clutch, throw out bearing, etc. This was conveyed to me in a text from the service writer late in the day today. I will follow up with them tomorrow to see where things stand.

The dealer I am working with has been good to deal with and they seem committed to getting this resolved. I am hoping it gets worked out. I will post the outcome once I know more.
This is an AMERICAN car forum.
The Fast and Furious crowd absolutely ruined the American car scene.
Please take all this Ricer shitbox talk elsewhere.

Been daily driving new manual transmission V8 performance cars for four decades.
The TR6060 seems to be a crap shoot.
My 6th Gen Camaro shifted like butter.
My SS Sedan was an absolute nightmare from the day I bought her new.
NOTHING fixed it. None of the fluids recommended, not a new shifter. Nothing.
GM and the dealers were a complete nightmare to deal with on top.

I went to buy a new CT5 BW with a stick, and it shifted just as bad as the garbage that was my SS Sedan.
Needless to say, I walked away from that car.

Like the OP, I was so excited to find a manual SS Sedan, I looked past my initial bad impression of the poor shifting on the way home from purchase.
I allowed the dealer to muscle me around over the following days, instead of just immediately returning it. A mistake that I will NEVER make again.

I recommend never take delivery of a new car without an extended test drive, and not to hesitate to return the car and walk away from the deal, even after leaving with the new car.
You have rights.

To anyone having similar issues, feel free to email me. It's my screen name, at gmail.com.
Well I finally got to the dealer to have the service srs system and service door latch system warnings fixed--just a reprogram--and had them replace the tranny fluid with mobil-1. They also let me drive another new manual 4 they had on the lot and it wasn't much better. The mobil-1 swap didn't help. The shift effort is slightly less but all the other issues are unchanged. I'm resigned at this point that the tr-6060 is just a crap shoot. Some great, some suck and some just OK. As long as I drive it the way it wants to be driven, it's fine, but driven leisurely its pretty irritating. I think I'm just going to live with it. Even if I pushed for a new tranny, the new one might be as bad(or worse) than this one and I have no patience for that merry-go-round.
Well I finally got to the dealer to have the service srs system and service door latch system warnings fixed--just a reprogram--and had them replace the tranny fluid with mobil-1. They also let me drive another new manual 4 they had on the lot and it wasn't much better. The mobil-1 swap didn't help. The shift effort is slightly less but all the other issues are unchanged. I'm resigned at this point that the tr-6060 is just a crap shoot. Some great, some suck and some just OK. As long as I drive it the way it wants to be driven, it's fine, but driven leisurely its pretty irritating. I think I'm just going to live with it. Even if I pushed for a new tranny, the new one might be as bad(or worse) than this one and I have no patience for that merry-go-round.

My replacement TR6060 was as bad as the one that was in my car when I bought it new. I feel your pain.
Made in Mexico 🧐
But, they were never an issue in my previous Corvettes and Camaros, and the new C8 DCT is made there too.
However, GM is claiming they moved the DCT production to Canada, so who knows.
Post in thread 'Manual trans owners--both 4 and 5' Manual trans owners--both 4 and 5

My car has been at the dealer since Thursday morning, went for a ride along with the master transmission tech. Within 5 minutes of driving he said it was the synchros.

Today I get a call back from the SA. I asked him specifically if they checked the clutch, flywheel, master and actuator(slave) and he said everything was checked when he pulled the transmission. Some of the parts are on backorder and he isn't sure when they're going to come in so they put everything back together.

I told him to send me the list of parts and all I see is first, second and third synchros and blocking rings. For some reason they're replacing 3rd and 1st gear, but I don't see 2nd gear. If they find any other issues when they open the case they'll request replacements. I am told that if this issue happens again I would probably get a new trans.
Tomorrow will be the 9th day that mine has been at the dealership. They told me they are replacing the transmission, but I don't know when it will get there. They said it will still be 2 days of work after the trans comes in. I think Tremec needs to find a better place to manufacture transmissions where they can better manage quality control.
Tomorrow will be the 9th day that mine has been at the dealership. They told me they are replacing the transmission, but I don't know when it will get there. They said it will still be 2 days of work after the trans comes in. I think Tremec needs to find a better place to manufacture transmissions where they can better manage quality control.

GM must agree with your, cuz them moved the DCT transmission assembly from Tremec in Mexico, to in house at GM in Canada......

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