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Loud shifter when cold


Seasoned Member
Jun 17, 2022

When it’s cold outside and 4BW is parked outside for full day the shifter is really loud for first few minutes. 20 degrees and under is typical spot. It’s loud when shifting and when first moving will be loud her car hits bumps. Goes away pretty quick and goes back to normal. It’s a clunking sound.

Any ideas? Prefer to try to fix on my own instead of dealer.
Yes. Problem goes back to the atsv. It's the shifter mounting plate bushings ovaling out. They shrink due to the cold and allow excessive movement until the transmission tunnel warms up. Eventually the assembly is going to start banging on the tunnel when going over bumps and railroad tracks. It will continue getting worse until the bushings fall apart completely. Unfortunatelly, this issue is inevitable on all 6m. My atsv had the assembly replaced at 16k miles. At 34k when I sold it, it starting to exhibit the same behavior again.
Thanks for info, it sounds like it’s hitting the tunnel so that makes sense.

Do they take the console out to replace or drop trans?
Thanks for info

My car also has either exhaust rattle or waste gate rattle so doing both at same time makes sense.

Time for the dealer…yuck :)
Be prepared for them to tell you that it's normal. Took 3 visits to two dealers to get it done. Don't accept their bs.
I hope its not an issue but I do have some trans clunkiness when its cold out. Though today I let the car heat up a bit before driving it and there was no hint of the problem...though the 2nd gear shift was still just a bit stiff.
Does anybody know if their as an aftermarket solution for a better/longer fix?
I've noticed the same with mine. Over night I get the luxury of parking in a heated garage. During the day especially of recent, I've experienced the same rattle in my shift. It generally stops after driving for a few blocks but sounds horrible. Will definitely continue to monitor if it gets worse.

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