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Laguna Seca in a CT4-B Blackwing


Seasoned Member
Aug 18, 2023
Central California
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
CT4-V Blackwing
My first track day in the Blackwing. Really fast car when I remember to actually hit the gas. Only 2 sessions due to some run ins with a group of Porsche drivers thinking they were GT3 racing. Crowding in the corners, passing in the corkscrew, passing without point by, but still fun. Heaviest car I've ever driven fast. Last car was a gen 2 Z4 2.4 liter. I beat that car's time by about 15 seconds partially due to the power, partially because I was warming up to the car's handling. Another session or two and I would likely be down at 1:50
My only track experience is iRacing (vestibular issues), but the corkscrew at Laguna Seca has got to be near the top of "what was I thinking" list. Turn left and hope the track surface is still there...
My bro wants me to get a PS5 so that I can practice before my next outing, but that will probably be so he can tell me he's faster.

The Corkscrew is on of my huge FRs since I hit it completely wrong once and pulled a Rossi/Marquez style trip through the dirt in my old Z4. There's a bit of "oh, crap, where did the track go" to it and then you're pointing at an oak tree, then heading into some off camber stuff. I should have been 10 or so mph faster through it at least, but I was having some internal issues actually accelerating as can be seen from some corners where I don't immediately get on the gas after the turn in starts.
If you're going to get anything to practice, it should be iRacing as the tracks are more accurate and pedals/wheels are the intended primary/only input device. Plus, its got the 2nd gen CTS-V race car. It's a bigger upfront cost, though.
I know this is an older thread, but man that was fun to watch! I did the Spring Mountain course last weekend, and while there I did about 3 hours of Laguna Seca on their sim setups. My dream is to one day do a track day there, and secondary dream is to do a motorcycle track day there.

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