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How long do you wait after starting the car to move it off?

As soon as the garage door is fully opened. Zoom zoom! :ROFLMAO: Seriously, by the time I back out of the garage, get buckled up, make sure my phone is connected, and get the car into my mode (stealth), I'm on my way.
I back out as soon as it starts. My concern is the unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide that cars spew before the catalytic converter heats up. I want to keep those at a minimum in my attached garage.
This has been discussed across so many brands. The main thing I have seen is with current quality of oil and better engine manufacturing, there is no need to ever warm up before driving. Turn on and start driving, just keep it under 3k ish rpm while engine warms. I think only time to warm is maybe when it’s -20 or lower. Cars don’t sound very good then.
So, you say no reason to warm up the engine yet he also say keep it under 3KRPM. If there’s no need to warm it up why restrict the RPMs? the reason of course is the engine does need to warm up a bit
Start it up. Exit garage. Set house alarm. Close garage door. Buckle up. Adjust temp. Then I am off. Maybe 2 mins. Just not revving it beyond 3k until I'm at operating temps.

Cold starts use more fuel and fuel is a solvent that eats away lubrication in cylinders. You want to warm the car as quickly as possible without over stressing.
How long does it take for your CT5-V Blackwing to warm up?

My old M2 Competition took about 30 minutes in Boston winters. It would finally hit 90C, right as I got to the office.

My Cayman GTS takes about 20 minutes to warm up in this current cool Texas weather.

My wife’s G70 takes like 5 minutes. It’s amazing because I can actually use the power on a normal length drive.
How long does it take for your CT5-V Blackwing to warm up?

My old M2 Competition took about 30 minutes in Boston winters. It would finally hit 90C, right as I got to the office.

My Cayman GTS takes about 20 minutes to warm up in this current cool Texas weather.

My wife’s G70 takes like 5 minutes. It’s amazing because I can actually use the power on a normal length drive.
What is your definition of warmed up? Point where car settles to its normal long term running temp or at which you can go WOT. I pondered that until I went to spring mt where we would literally jump into the cars when they are cold. Do 1-2 warm up laps and we go WOT.
I basically do a LeMans style start.
Do you live across the street from me? My neighbor must have had some sort of secret service training to minimize the time from starting the car and wheels moving. I'm certain the process is less than 1 second, its incredible. Next rental car I get I'm going to see if I can beat his time.
What is your definition of warmed up? Point where car settles to its normal long term running temp or at which you can go WOT. I pondered that until I went to spring mt where we would literally jump into the cars when they are cold. Do 1-2 warm up laps and we go WOT.
My definition of warmed up is the when oil is 80-90 C. One of my parents was an engineer at Southwest Research doing lubricant testing for many years and when he taught me to drive that is what he instilled in me.

I think it's especially important given BMW M's history with rod bearings and Porsche's bore scoring issues. You don't hear nearly as many horror stories with GM small blocks, but I'm still curious how long these cars take to warm up.
When I bought my 2014 RT Plus Challenger, I opted for the engine block heater. I think I have only used it 2-3 times in ten years. I could see people who live in the northern states using it all winter long.
My definition of warmed up is the when oil is 80-90 C. One of my parents was an engineer at Southwest Research doing lubricant testing for many years and when he taught me to drive that is what he instilled in me.

I think it's especially important given BMW M's history with rod bearings and Porsche's bore scoring issues. You don't hear nearly as many horror stories with GM small blocks, but I'm still curious how long these cars take to warm up.
Can you drive them after turning over the GM small blocks? You betcha! Warming it up for 30 seconds and driving lightly to allow the other components to warm up also, trans, tires etc. this also enables you to get the vehicle up to Operating Temperature faster which is key!
I've noticed that the red RPM indicator is lower when starting the car cold (5500 I think) and then goes up as the car warms up. Thought that was a pretty cool feature.
Never noticed that until you mentioned it. Good eye!
The engine does not care if its sitting idling warming up or starting to move down the road. As long as you don't cold start and go directly to a 0-60 performance times, no need to let it warm up. It will warm up just fine driving it normally.
I have a manual, so I'm in the buckle your seatbelt and go (take it easy until it's warm).

Not the A10s, but in my auto truck I wait about 20 seconds. The main reason is that the P->R is smooth after the engine has settled and fluid has pumped through the transmission.
I atleast wait until the RPMs fully open up. If you pay attention on initial start up, the redline is lower when the engine is colder. Wait a few minutes and you should see it jump up atleast 2x to get to the 6500. Once its open to 6500, thats my cue to start driving. Take it easy until I get the oil temp to 160 at that point.
I've noticed that the red RPM indicator is lower when starting the car cold (5500 I think) and then goes up as the car warms up. Thought that was a pretty cool feature.
I watched for this after seeing your post. My engine oil temp was 28 degrees when I started it after work today. Initial redline was 5000 RPM. Once the oil temperature got above 40 the redline started moving up in increments of 250. By the time the oil temperature hit 60 or thereabouts the redline was back to 6500. Kind of fun to catch it happening!
There's been times where i start moving before my dashboard boots up and i just see a 1 in the center of the screen lol.

Oil starts flowing and lubricating everything as soon as you start it anyways so that part doesn't matter. I do wait a little bit before giving full throttle to make sure everything is up to temp.

What is your definition of warmed up? Point where car settles to its normal long term running temp or at which you can go WOT. I pondered that until I went to spring mt where we would literally jump into the cars when they are cold. Do 1-2 warm up laps and we go WOT.

This sounds right for track driving. You go much faster on a track and brake harder even on warm ups laps compared to how you would normally drive on the street. With harder braking and more on the gas you will put heat into the tires and engine faster to bring it up to normal temp. I consider normal temp to be around the middle point of the temperature gauge. Although on cold days it feels forever to get there but on really warm days it's there pretty quick.

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