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Blackwing Order Tracking - 2022 Model Year

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Well...shit...I tried deleting a couple posts out of the old order tracking thread and I apparently nuked the whole damn thread! :r :hb

NOTE: the order tracking system is for U.S. based orders only. I can only view orders placed with dealers in the U.S.
NOTE: I will only track ONE order per member. If you have orders in at multiple dealers, pick one...

Blackwing Order Tracking System

Blackwing Registry

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Sure would be nice to see some of those 3800 turn to 4000+ and some of those 3400 turn to 3800. Seems to have stagnated a bit over the last few weeks
After 7 months of waiting.... dropped all CF from my order and it moved to 3000 the next week. 😑
Same as mine about three weeks ago. Waiting since July 16th, dropped all carbon fiber picked up the next week , tpw 3/28, ( not holding my breath on that date) I will get the Carbon Fiber 1 components in the future, I know enough parts guys that will help me out, I’ll borrow someone’s vin and order the parts. There’s always a way no matter what GM says.
Same as mine about three weeks ago. Waiting since July 16th, dropped all carbon fiber picked up the next week , tpw 3/28, ( not holding my breath on that date) I will get the Carbon Fiber 1 components in the future, I know enough parts guys that will help me out, I’ll borrow someone’s vin and order the parts. There’s always a way no matter what GM says.
That's awesome. I don't have TPW yet.
I only had CF1 so if it is possible to add them later on, I'll be interested as well. Please keep us posted.
My car is actually in my state about 40 miles from me per VinView, but is still in transit (by rail) out of state (Dallas) where I have to pick it up, LOL. Built ~ 1 month ago. I'm probably breaking all the rules by posting, since my car is a regular CT5-V, but I'm sure there are some Blackwings cuddling it along the way. :)
My car is actually in my state about 40 miles from me per VinView, but is still in transit (by rail) out of state (Dallas) where I have to pick it up, LOL. Built ~ 1 month ago. I'm probably breaking all the rules by posting, since my car is a regular CT5-V, but I'm sure there are some Blackwings cuddling it along the way. :)
It's probably not the only rule you're breaking. This you?

My car is actually in my state about 40 miles from me per VinView, but is still in transit (by rail) out of state (Dallas) where I have to pick it up, LOL. Built ~ 1 month ago. I'm probably breaking all the rules by posting, since my car is a regular CT5-V, but I'm sure there are some Blackwings cuddling it along the way. :)
VINView is false hope. Fingers crossed for you.
VINView is false hope. Fingers crossed for you.
I'm thinking positively. Got another update last night after that saying the train had resumed from it's unloading in AR and was headed to the VDC in Mesquite, TX (probably there this morning). I don't think there are any stops in between. Time to the dealer from there is governed by it's location on the train (like de-boarding an airplane).
I'm thinking positively. Got another update last night after that saying the train had resumed from it's unloading in AR and was headed to the VDC in Mesquite, TX (probably there this morning). I don't think there are any stops in between. Time to the dealer from there is governed by it's location on the train (like de-boarding an airplane).
Do you have access to VINView? Can you check my VIN? My car should be getting offloaded in Mesquite and trucked over to Fort Worth. Hoping its on the same train!
  • 1G6D65RP3N0460311
Do you have access to VINView? Can you check my VIN? My car should be getting offloaded in Mesquite and trucked over to Fort Worth. Hoping its on the same train!
  • 1G6D65RP3N0460311
I believe only the ordering dealer can see cars in VINView.. EG Cadillac Las Vegas can not see cars ordered through Seiner Salt Lake.

Also, Blackwings and Corvettes are transported via truck only.. Or so I've been told.
Yeah, only your dealer can access VinView. I hadn't heard that about the transport only thing for BWs. Could be why they are sitting so long. IDK, seems I remember some people "seeing" theirs on trains though. 🤷‍♂️
Don't you worry buddy once the train arrives it'll have to be transported by semi truck. That's when you'll get your chance to strike!
LOL, it's going to take some perfect timing since I am out of state and it's only ~40 miles from the Mesquite VDC to the dealer. I think the hardest part of the journey is licked (please don't jinx me!).
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