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Blackwing Order Tracking - 2022 Model Year

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Well...shit...I tried deleting a couple posts out of the old order tracking thread and I apparently nuked the whole damn thread! :r :hb

NOTE: the order tracking system is for U.S. based orders only. I can only view orders placed with dealers in the U.S.
NOTE: I will only track ONE order per member. If you have orders in at multiple dealers, pick one...

Blackwing Order Tracking System

Blackwing Registry

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Every tech at every dealership everywhere would completely disagree with this statement, "I always understood stealerships made the most money on warranty work".
Our oldest son was a tech at Volvo, now a Service Advisor, and they (the techs) are not fans of warranty work that requires diag. For example, customer has a sunroof leak... it can take hours of unpaid time to find the issue, then they (the flat rate techs) are only paid to do the broken part work, which is usually just a snap in/out swap and pays very little time. Though I've always suspected the dealership makes more on warranty work, the techs usually do not.
Is that because said techs are hourly, not paid commission, or just fact the dealer doesn't win? Just curious as I've heard the warranty work pays best multiple times over?
It really depends on the actual job. The manufacturer says how long the fix will take, and that's the pay. Not sure about GM, but some manufacturers are real stingy and unreasonable on how long something should take. I know with recall work (kinda like this is going to be) some techs absolutely LOVE it because after the first few times, they learn how to do it faster, and can beat the book rate by a bunch and make a lot of money.
All orders have been checked and updated accordingly.
tell me if this sounds familiar..... all the bitching and moaning... i caved and did it... fk it.......................... lol
What did you do because your order just got accepted by GM...
I can tell you this....... Next week...... The amount of good news I will deliver to waiting customers will be of epic proportion.

Put it this way, I attempted the Carrollton dance... it was bad, I'm such a bad dancer I can't even get that one right...

(spoiler alert - still no carbon fiber..... )
Just checking if you had any epic proportion news to share out :-) and was that the Carlton Dance (of Fresh Prince days :-))))))
Just checking if you had any epic proportion news to share out :) and was that the Carlton Dance (of Fresh Prince days :))))))
Just checking if the "next week" has started already or not? 😉

Yes, Dustin is referring to Carlton from Fresh prince

I talked to Dustin on Saturday and he said just like on Oprah, you get a blackwing, along with everyone else!!!!
Hopefully, he meant with all parts intact. Instead for just the shell with a note "rest of the car will be dealer installed at a later date. Subject to availability and deposit of first born"
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