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Blackwing Order Tracking - 2022 Model Year

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Well...shit...I tried deleting a couple posts out of the old order tracking thread and I apparently nuked the whole damn thread! :r :hb

NOTE: the order tracking system is for U.S. based orders only. I can only view orders placed with dealers in the U.S.
NOTE: I will only track ONE order per member. If you have orders in at multiple dealers, pick one...

Blackwing Order Tracking System

Blackwing Registry

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Yeah, he already sent this to me. He said he has to wait until my car is moving to them before he can value my trade (I guess since I'm not local). I may try to sell my car myself, too.

Dustin Callaway here!! Sorry if I didn't clearly explain why. The reason for this is the pre-owned market when it comes to values is extremely volatile right now. Values on some vehicles can make significant enough changes, even within a week, up or down, that would blow your mind...... If we appraised a vehicle today at $50k today and by the time your order showed up, it was worth $40k, it just doesn't provide a good overall customer experience as expectations are generally that it wont be far off from the initial bid. Before all of this madness with the market, we would be bidding them all at the time of your order as well and generally, by the time the car showed up, it wouldn't be much different. Its just an entirely different ballgame right now. This is is even with local customers who walk-in, not just out of state...

Please don't hesitate to reach out should you have any further questions/concerns! dcallaway@blackwingking.com
Any allocations granted/picked up for 5 blackwings yesterday?
Apparently I have the oldest(by VIN) manual 5BW on this forum that has yet to be delivered.
I'm 86-298, built 1/13. I see car 86-449 has even been built.
Cadillac chat and dealer aren't helpful at all.
I'd really love to know whats going on but it's not the end of the world for me. I can wait. Especially since its now almost the end of the crappy weather here in NJ. A few more weeks can't hurt but a few more months would be nuts.

And the goats can get much more unreal...


View attachment 7693

Same boat - I’m 86-300, built on the same day and car is in a delayed status.

Hey!! I’m 86-345 I think and also built (01/29) and also 4d00 :)
Ya'll need to get together and figure out which option you have in common that is causing the delay, ha
Dustin Callaway here!! Sorry if I didn't clearly explain why. The reason for this is the pre-owned market when it comes to values is extremely volatile right now. Values on some vehicles can make significant enough changes, even within a week, up or down, that would blow your mind...... If we appraised a vehicle today at $50k today and by the time your order showed up, it was worth $40k, it just doesn't provide a good overall customer experience as expectations are generally that it wont be far off from the initial bid. Before all of this madness with the market, we would be bidding them all at the time of your order as well and generally, by the time the car showed up, it wouldn't be much different. Its just an entirely different ballgame right now. This is is even with local customers who walk-in, not just out of state...

Please don't hesitate to reach out should you have any further questions/concerns! dcallaway@blackwingking.com
I figured that was the biggest reason. Thanks for posting and showing others what a good dealer does for their customers. :)
All orders have been checked and updated accordingly.
Un-freaking believable....
he said they have never seen this happen before.. I subscribe to the belief that things don't happen to you, they happen for you.. So if my karma is clean, this is all for good reason. At least that's what I tell myself. =/
he said they have never seen this happen before.. I subscribe to the belief that things don't happen to you, they happen for you.. So if my karma is clean, this is all for good reason. At least that's what I tell myself. =/
I've never seen that happen in 7 years either...
As someone who has been stuck on 4d00 then 4b00 then 4d00 for a couple months...this has me ready to just bail on my deposit and grab the Alfa Quadrifoglio I have a lock on as well...

I'm getting anxiety just following your story man.
But you have to pay $2,000 every 30,000 miles to change the serpentine accessory belt on a Quadrifoglio; basically remove most of the front fascia to get to the belt… gotta love Alfas!
Ya'll need to get together and figure out which option you have in common that is causing the delay, ha
The commonality between all these poor saps is they want the car, and GM can't have that now, can they? Seems like the more you want it, the further it gets. Only way to fix this problem is to not want these cars at all 🤷‍♂️
I can tell you this....... Next week...... The amount of good news I will deliver to waiting customers will be of epic proportion.

Put it this way, I attempted the Carrollton dance... it was bad, I'm such a bad dancer I can't even get that one right...

(spoiler alert - still no carbon fiber..... )
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