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Blackwing Order Tracking - 2022 Model Year

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Well...shit...I tried deleting a couple posts out of the old order tracking thread and I apparently nuked the whole damn thread! :r :hb

NOTE: the order tracking system is for U.S. based orders only. I can only view orders placed with dealers in the U.S.
NOTE: I will only track ONE order per member. If you have orders in at multiple dealers, pick one...

Blackwing Order Tracking System

Blackwing Registry

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Safe to say most of us here have lived a life based on hard work, doing more than the minimum, not taking no for answer, and disciplined economic choices (delaying gratification now for something better, later, for instance). To get to 4D00 status, we all made some effort.

Now the few of us that are asking basic customer service questions about the built cars just sitting in Lansing for months on end get labeled entitled first world assholes? If the two choices around here are irrational expectations and passive thumb sucker, sign me up for the former all day long.
Agreed that GM/Cadillac's delivery and/or update system on ordered cars is broken at the moment. It can be frustrating for sure. My comment about "1st world problem shit" was taken from a perspective when looking at things as a whole. Some people are without food and water and are in constant danger for their lives. Not to say any of us on these forums have had it completely easy in life. But we're talking about luxury purchases (and are fortunate enough to be in a position to order and purchase these), and yes, the process to obtain them shouldn't be this confusing with the customer left in the dark. The goat rodeo is what it is at this point.
Amazing indeed. After what length of time is it OK to lose patience if your car is fully ready to ship from DTW to you the expectant valued customer. 3-6-9-12months-2 years. Enlighten me.
I'm not talking about waiting for a car that's been built and sitting in the back of the factory for 3-12 months...that's on Cadillac and their lack of communication with their dealers and customers.

I work for one of the largest Corvette dealers in the world. I deal directly with customers every single day and I'm on the receiving end of the full brunt of their attitudes. At least 50% of the problem is the customers with their expectations. You will not convince me otherwise...walk a day in my shoes, and you may become more enlightened.
I'm not talking about waiting for a car that's been built and sitting in the back of the factory for 3-12 months...that's on Cadillac and their lack of communication with their dealers and customers.

I work for one of the largest Corvette dealers in the world. I deal directly with customers every single day and I'm on the receiving end of the full brunt of their attitudes. At least 50% of the problem is the customers with their expectations. You will not convince me otherwise...walk a day in my shoes, and you may become more enlightened.
Ok. Very different subject than what I was addressing. Your right I have never walked in your shoes concerning high volume retail customer involvement. I'm sure it gets very frustrating and customers get to be a total pain in the butt based on unrealistic expectations. No enlightenment needed. Thanks for agreeing that huge customer wait times for produced cars is "on Cadillac and their lack of communications with their dealers and customers".
Amazing indeed. After what length of time is it OK to lose patience if your car is fully ready to ship from DTW to you the expectant valued customer. 3-6-9-12months-2 years. Enlighten me.
The car I ended up with was built in June 2022 and arrived to the dealer in November. That seemed on par with many experiences here. There was a batch in the Fall that were built and delivered to dealers in < 2 months.

It is obvious what so many people here are frustrated with is knowing, or thinking, their cars are 100% ready for delivery but they just don't move. I agree that there must be a very attainable solution to that problem. But clearly Cadillac is not motivated to address it. So as buyers, you either wait it out or don't. I chose to wait and honest to God never cared to know the status of things.

To your question, I think a 12-18 month lead time for a CT5-V Blackwing is completely reasonable. But I do not care to break it down to when the car is produced or "ready to ship". Get it to me in 18 months or less and I find that reasonable given what the car is, what the current challenges are, and how many units Cadillac is content to produce. I have long advocated that they should stop with all of the specific updates, because it is clear how they frustrate many buyers. If you had no idea your car was ready to ship, would it be easier for you? For me I could care less. I first placed a deposit in 9/21 and got my car in 11/22. Less than 18 months and it made not difference to me when the car was "ready to ship".
There is definitely some priority fast track process in place and most likely it’s controlled by sales management. My car was designated a show car build on 5/3/22 and by June it had left the factory, maybe sooner as I first became aware in June that it was in Phoenix.
It isn't a matter of being impatient as far as I'm concerned. Part of the frustration is from seeing cars built after yours (460197, 460239) being assigned delivery dates while cars (460092, 460104, 460108 and 460112) sit at MP. It's great seeing other people get their cars! Hell when it's me I'm sure I'll be thrilled! It's watching them get them while mine sits in limbo that doesn't feel so great. I'm not complaining mind you! I don't want to be chastised again! Cadillac is great and can do no wrong in my eyes!
There is definitely some priority fast track process in place and most likely it’s controlled by sales management. My car was designated a show car build on 5/3/22 and by June it had left the factory, maybe sooner as I first became aware in June that it was in Phoenix.
What does it mean to be "designated" a show car build? Thats interesting, as I have never heard of that...
It's watching them get them while mine sits in limbo that doesn't feel so great.
Yes, that sucks, been there done that, saw the movie.

Since this has been going on for quite some time I became seasoned and just rolled with the bullshit. Crying about it made no sense and was wasted energy for me. I ordered an Audi product over a year ago, still waiting on it, oh well, shit happens.
Yes, that sucks, been there done that, saw the movie.

Since this has been going on for quite some time I became seasoned and just rolled with the bullshit. Crying about it made no sense and was wasted energy for me. I ordered an Audi product over a year ago, still waiting on it, oh well, shit happens.
I'll try to hold back my tears
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Happy new year everyone. I’ll preface my question by saying i did search for an answer but also that my blackwing is my first GM car so I’m a noob when it comes to order status and the like. Tho I have a learned a ton from this forum so thank you. Here’s my question please. My order is now at 3000 status with a TPW of mid Feb. My order included CF1 and 2 along with CF high performance seats. Am i dreaming or will my blackwing actually be built in Feb as ordered? Does 3000 status indicate the parts/seats are available and confirmed for my build? Thanks in advance.
Happy new year everyone. I’ll preface my question by saying i did search for an answer but also that my blackwing is my first GM car so I’m a noob when it comes to order status and the like. Tho I have a learned a ton from this forum so thank you. Here’s my question please. My order is now at 3000 status with a TPW of mid Feb. My order included CF1 and 2 along with CF high performance seats. Am i dreaming or will my blackwing actually be built in Feb as ordered? Does 3000 status indicate the parts/seats are available and confirmed for my build? Thanks in advance.
Can't tell you it will be built mid-Feb as it is a T.argeted P.roduction W.eek (sorry... but probably not).😬

The good news is that it appears as though you won the CF1/CF2/CF seat lottery! Good for you!🤩

Now sit back, relax, and enjoy our very opinionated and occasionally informative, but hopefully at least mildly amusing discourse here!🤡

...or sit back, relax, and go into hibernation, because although your order is at 3000 so you will get your car...we have no f-in clue when you'll get it. 🤷‍♂️

Can't tell you it will be built mid-Feb as it is a T.argeted P.roduction W.eek (sorry... but probably not).😬

The good news is that it appears as though you won the CF1/CF2/CF seat lottery! Good for you!🤩

Now sit back, relax, and enjoy our very opinionated and occasionally informative, but hopefully at least mildly amusing discourse here!🤡

...or sit back, relax, and go into hibernation, because although your order is at 3000 so you will get your car...we have no f-in clue when you'll get it. 🤷‍♂️

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Hey thanks so much for the reply. You’ve given me hope that I’m going to get the spec I’ve been waiting over a year for! Definitely feels like I won the lottery. One that we’re paying 110k+ to play! 😂

I absolutely expect tpw to move. Just didn’t want to get my hopes up unnecessarily but does seem the 3000 status is reason to believe.

Thanks again for the reply. This forum has been great. Informative and amusing for sure. 😂😂. I’ll be sticking around for sure.
My order included CF1 and 2 along with CF high performance seats.
Wow! CF1 and 2 AND CF backed seats!! And at 3000!! Not to be a wet blanket, but did you confirm your build with your dealer? All three of those have been on constraint for months (and months, and months). Is it a 120th anniversary? If not, those three together is like winning the lottery. You might want to run out and buy some tickets.
Hey thanks so much for the reply. You’ve given me hope that I’m going to get the spec I’ve been waiting over a year for! Definitely feels like I won the lottery. One that we’re paying 110k+ to play! 😂

I absolutely expect tpw to move. Just didn’t want to get my hopes up unnecessarily but does seem the 3000 status is reason to believe.

Thanks again for the reply. This forum has been great. Informative and amusing for sure. 😂😂. I’ll be sticking around for sure.
Good luck my friend and I hope 2023 will be a good year for BW owners! As others have said, if you get all the CF you are very lucky and maybe it means you car will move quickly thru the system!

Welcome to the madness!
Wow! CF1 and 2 AND CF backed seats!! And at 3000!! Not to be a wet blanket, but did you confirm your build with your dealer? All three of those have been on constraint for months (and months, and months). Is it a 120th anniversary? If not, those three together is like winning the lottery. You might want to run out and buy some tickets.
Ha. Not a wet blanket at all. Totally aware of the constraints of these parts. Honestly that’s why I asked the question. It’s not a 120th. Lemme post my order confirmation in case it helps anyone else to share with their dealer. I honestly hope this is a sign that things are going to improve for everyone with an order.

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