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Blackwing Order Tracking - 2022 Model Year

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Well...shit...I tried deleting a couple posts out of the old order tracking thread and I apparently nuked the whole damn thread! :r :hb

NOTE: the order tracking system is for U.S. based orders only. I can only view orders placed with dealers in the U.S.
NOTE: I will only track ONE order per member. If you have orders in at multiple dealers, pick one...

Blackwing Order Tracking System

Blackwing Registry

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Can I ask on this thread what lead times for allocations look like as of Aug 22? I put down a deposit in early February 22' for a 5bw. Was 4 or 5 on a good size dealer list for MSRP. When would I expect an allocation? Realistically my BMW lease expires end of November. I have another vehicle I can daily but I'd prefer to at least know more than nothing by that point.
Have you talked with your dealer? If your order wasn't picked up for 22, then it won't automatically be converted to a 23. There is a list floating around here (sorry, don't have the link handy) that shows the allocation numbers for every dealer for 2022. That would help you to know if number 4 or 5 is good or bad.
I hate to be the killjoy here, but I have to because I just went from ecstasy to agony in the matter of 15 minutes. I was poking around on Autotrader to see if dealerships were showing the BW's. I saw one at my dealership that was my color. It had all of the exterior and interior pics in front of my dealership. I looked at the VIN and said, hey that's my car. I called and left a message for the sales manager. He called me back and burst my bubble. Dealerships use a company to post pics of your exact build with the dealership photo in the background - a green screen type of thing. So, it looks like my car is at the dealership and I can see my window sticker on the dealer website...but it's still sitting in the goat pen waiting for the missing parts. Smoke and mirrors.
I feel your pain, brother!
Have you talked with your dealer? If your order wasn't picked up for 22, then it won't automatically be converted to a 23. There is a list floating around here (sorry, don't have the link handy) that shows the allocation numbers for every dealer for 2022. That would help you to know if number 4 or 5 is good or bad.
I'm waiting for an allocation. No order was put in yet. I did give her a build back then that didn't include any of the carbon that ended up as a constraint later, so thought it might expedite...but I'm still waiting for a call that I can place an order.
I've asked the dealer for updates every 3 months and have been told no update, factory closed, no allocations, etc.
I'm waiting for an allocation. No order was put in yet. I did give her a build back then that didn't include any of the carbon that ended up as a constraint later, so thought it might expedite...but I'm still waiting for a call that I can place an order.
I've asked the dealer for updates every 3 months and have been told no update, factory closed, no allocations, etc.
Can they tell you how many allocations they've gotten since you placed your deposit in February (6 months ago)?Are you still at 4 or 5 (and is that where you started)?...

If they aren't getting any allocations or have just gotten 1 or 2, then you may want to start searching for another dealer.
Have you talked with your dealer? If your order wasn't picked up for 22, then it won't automatically be converted to a 23. There is a list floating around here (sorry, don't have the link handy) that shows the allocation numbers for every dealer for 2022. That would help you to know if number 4 or 5 is good or bad.
Here is that list.
I'm waiting for an allocation. No order was put in yet. I did give her a build back then that didn't include any of the carbon that ended up as a constraint later, so thought it might expedite...but I'm still waiting for a call that I can place an order.
I've asked the dealer for updates every 3 months and have been told no update, factory closed, no allocations, etc.

Can I ask on this thread what lead times for allocations look like as of Aug 22? I put down a deposit in early February 22' for a 5bw. Was 4 or 5 on a good size dealer list for MSRP. When would I expect an allocation? Realistically my BMW lease expires end of November. I have another vehicle I can daily but I'd prefer to at least know more than nothing by that point.
Since you put down a deposit you should have received an order #. I would check on that ASAP and also see where you stand on that wait list. The attached doc should help you identify how many allocations they received in '22

Good luck brother


I'm waiting for an allocation. No order was put in yet. I did give her a build back then that didn't include any of the carbon that ended up as a constraint later, so thought it might expedite...but I'm still waiting for a call that I can place an order.
I've asked the dealer for updates every 3 months and have been told no update, factory closed, no allocations, etc.
I can tell you what I did. Every month I set-up an appointment and went to visit my sales guy in person. It might seem like a big hassle, but if you don't already have solid relationship with them, how will they get to know you and remember you? Remember this is a rodeo, need to get into the fight to come out right.
I'm waiting for an allocation. No order was put in yet. I did give her a build back then that didn't include any of the carbon that ended up as a constraint later, so thought it might expedite...but I'm still waiting for a call that I can place an order.
I've asked the dealer for updates every 3 months and have been told no update, factory closed, no allocations, etc.
Wait. What? You're waiting for an allocation to put IN an order? That's not going to work. And if it's a 2022 order, 2022 is over. Sounds like time for a sit down with your dealer.

Spec out a 2023, give order to dealer, dealer enters order, gives you 6 character order number, sit and wait for the goats to build/deliver car.
I guess most of you already knew but the plant was shut down last week for part shortages.

I think GM and Cadillac really need to rethink the market strategy for V and specifically Blackwing. When you buy a vette you buy into a lifestyle and experience not just a car.

Cadillac needs to deliver a similar or better ownership experience as GM flagship luxury and performance brand.

Customer who are buying BW are not your average Colorado, Malibu , Equinox buyers. They should have long ago opened a concierge service to track delayed sold orders. After all how can you eventually fix it if you aren't tracking where it is and what it's missing. Sharing that info with a dealer/Customer is a simple but extraordinarily effective interim solution to an on going problem.

So many waiting Customers could be assuaged by just knowing, hey your car is here on the satellite photo awaiting a headlight switch.
You got it 100% correct. When Cadillac cannot take care of buyers for an exclusive/limited run model I can only imagine how bad it would be if you were looking to order a regular vehcile.

Like many others here, I waited for a year to get the car built and granted there were no updates during that time either but at least there was a build date to look forward to but now it is just a black hole.
When @Rob can single handedly check each order and provide an update why can't Cadillac hire an intern and just send a status once a week?

@Mirza Grebovic is there no one in your rolodex that can look into this matter?
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Wait. What? You're waiting for an allocation to put IN an order? That's not going to work. And if it's a 2022 order, 2022 is over. Sounds like time for a sit down with your dealer.

Spec out a 2023, give order to dealer, dealer enters order, gives you 6 character order number, sit and wait for the goats to build/deliver car.
Having an order in at 1100 and a nickle will get you a cup of coffee.
Can I ask on this thread what lead times for allocations look like as of Aug 22? I put down a deposit in early February 22' for a 5bw. Was 4 or 5 on a good size dealer list for MSRP. When would I expect an allocation? Realistically my BMW lease expires end of November. I have another vehicle I can daily but I'd prefer to at least know more than nothing by that point.
I cannot speak to Caddy specifics, but like BWs or M cars it pays to keep searching incoming dealer stock and canceled orders as well. You may be able to get 4/5ths of your preferred build on something that is a real tangible vehicle at this point and not on a sales guy's post-it or hopefully at least queued up in the system itself.

Radio silence since Feb is not a good sign regardless.
I don't know why can't Cadillac get their act together. My brother's C8 was built two weeks ago and he took delivery of it today and here I am two months after the car being built still have no idea where the car is.
Even worse is the support from Cadillac. Reached out to them on Twitter via pm and got a reply back that they can see in the system that vehicle is built but don't have a way to find out what it is waiting on or a way to escalate to someone who would know. 🤬🤬🤬

I know that we have few Cadillac employees here, don't they provide feedback to the company on how pathetic their customer service is? If it wasn't for Blackwing, I won't give a single dime to this company anymore. It is just frustrating.
Speaking of Corvettes, they are getting hit with a big gas guzzler tax.
My order sat at 1100 for 11 months until I cancelled. I never got a nickel OR any coffee
Same here/12 months, not even a thank you....
My order sat at 1100 for 11 months until I cancelled. I never got a nickel OR any coffee
TBF at that point point, with that degree of 'customer care' they'd likely been stirring it with their todger, so best not drink it really.

That dealer volume sheet (this thread or another?) looks to be the best way to find a dealer that might actually be able to source folks a car. These low volume ones look a non-starter.
Has anyone ordered a 120 year car? My salesman has called a couple times about it and I don’t know if he is full of shit or if they are actually building these already.
Has anyone ordered a 120 year car? My salesman has called a couple times about it and I don’t know if he is full of shit or if they are actually building these already.
Good question. I thought I heard/read they were to build them first.
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