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Blackwing Order Tracking - 2022 Model Year

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Well...shit...I tried deleting a couple posts out of the old order tracking thread and I apparently nuked the whole damn thread! :r :hb

NOTE: the order tracking system is for U.S. based orders only. I can only view orders placed with dealers in the U.S.
NOTE: I will only track ONE order per member. If you have orders in at multiple dealers, pick one...

Blackwing Order Tracking System

Blackwing Registry

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I hate to be the killjoy here, but I have to because I just went from ecstasy to agony in the matter of 15 minutes. I was poking around on Autotrader to see if dealerships were showing the BW's. I saw one at my dealership that was my color. It had all of the exterior and interior pics in front of my dealership. I looked at the VIN and said, hey that's my car. I called and left a message for the sales manager. He called me back and burst my bubble. Dealerships use a company to post pics of your exact build with the dealership photo in the background - a green screen type of thing. So, it looks like my car is at the dealership and I can see my window sticker on the dealer website...but it's still sitting in the goat pen waiting for the missing parts. Smoke and mirrors.
Knowing how things have been since I placed the order I wouldn't be totally surprised if it still take months to get my car but I am happy to see that at least now the Window sticker is available and it does not list any missing parts. Previously I have seen vehicles that got delivered and the window sticker motioned "credit" for missing parts.

It could also mean that Cadillac is no longer sending out cars with missing parts and that's why our cars are stuck with MP status until whatever is missing is installed.

Either way, the rodeo continues......
How exactly can you see your window sticker online? My car was built 07/06/22 and I cannot find anything on it other than here on Rob's tracker.

Use the above URL and replace the VIN with your vehicle's Vin.
I hate to be the killjoy here, but I have to because I just went from ecstasy to agony in the matter of 15 minutes. I was poking around on Autotrader to see if dealerships were showing the BW's. I saw one at my dealership that was my color. It had all of the exterior and interior pics in front of my dealership. I looked at the VIN and said, hey that's my car. I called and left a message for the sales manager. He called me back and burst my bubble. Dealerships use a company to post pics of your exact build with the dealership photo in the background - a green screen type of thing. So, it looks like my car is at the dealership and I can see my window sticker on the dealer website...but it's still sitting in the goat pen waiting for the missing parts. Smoke and mirrors.
It's not intentional smoke and mirrors. As cars are built they're automatically fed to dealer websites via data feeds from GM overnight. Most dealers use the stock inventory photo service from GM if they're a high volume dealer and don't have a photographer on staff.

If a car is sold, the dealer has to log into Dealer Command Center (website backend) and either make the vehicle "non-marketable" or set it to "H" (Hold) status in their system.
It's not intentional smoke and mirrors. As cars are built they're automatically fed to dealer websites via data feeds from GM overnight. Most dealers use the stock inventory photo service from GM if they're a high volume dealer and don't have a photographer on staff.

If a car is sold, the dealer has to log into Dealer Command Center (website backend) and either make the vehicle "non-marketable" or set it to "H" (Hold) status in their system.
It certainly is interesting all the things we are learning that happen behind the curtain as we dig for answers!
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