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Automatic emergency braking?


Seasoned Member
May 17, 2023
Has anyone experienced automatic emergency braking in their 4 or 5BW? I was taking off normally from a light today while changing lanes (ok I didn't signal) and as soon as it shifted from 1st to 2nd, I get a VIOLENT thud and I lurched forward in my seat. I thought my A10 finally gave out and fucked up. Now thinking back to it, I think the automatic emergency brake somehow got triggered. I'm still shaken from the incident as it was extremely violent and I would NEVER brake that hard in my car. This is another big red flag for me with this car aside from the slipping into 4th/hesitation. I know this sounds like another one of those complaint threads on these forums but these things should NOT be happening. This is my last GM product I'm buying new. No C8 Z06 for me anymore 😂
I turned mine off. I have a double gate in my driveway. While backing out, the sensor thinks I am about to hit something and gives me whiplash. I guess when I finally do hit something, I will be pist about turning it off.
I had a braking intervention event caused by a tall weed while I was backing up :D. Scared the life out of me. I've never felt a brake clamp that hard and immediate. Actually glad I was on gravel when it happened.
My RS6 did the same to me backing up, scared the daylights out of me, and was only going 3mph!
I was going 10-15 mph so the whiplash was real. My neck hurt for a few hours and I am still pissed. I feel like my alignment got thrown off by the violent braking as it felt like an actual car accident when it happened. And...there was fucking nothing in front of me. I'm glad I can turn this system off, as it seems to be very finicky and unreliable. Before also, it would start vibrating my seat whenever I made certain turns with parked cars nearby. Again nothing to hit.
I’ve had it happen in reverse, backing into my garage. I was getting close to the wall so it was a “legit” thing for the car but I was not going to hit it. This is going 1-3 mph in reverse and even at that low speed it is very jarring. I now hit the parking sensor button when backing into the garage to disable it.
Turned mine off soon as I started it the first time. I have the alert come up in HUD often enough to know I would not want it to brake under any of the circumstances it is warning me of.
I also turned mine off after having an emergency braking incident. I had the same thing happen in my S4 as I was turning left. This braking could have caused an accident since I was in the opposite lane a bit sideways due to the braking.
I’ve had it happen in reverse, backing into my garage. I was getting close to the wall so it was a “legit” thing for the car but I was not going to hit it. This is going 1-3 mph in reverse and even at that low speed it is very jarring. I now hit the parking sensor button when backing into the garage to disable it.
Same here when backing up; however, it always give me a red triangle with stick person inside of the triangle at the same time. That’s how I knew what it was. I have never experienced it going forward at all. I have since turned off the button and now get the amber dash warning of it being off. But prior to turning off the system, I never had a forward incident.

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