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Attempted Theft in Austin

Are you in charge of Austin's PR?
I'm about 30 minutes outside of Chicago. I need both hands to count the number of cars stolen from people I know locally. From RX300's to an F88, which pretty sure was an inside job. Shitheads roam.
Are you in charge of Austin's PR?
I'm about 30 minutes outside of Chicago. I need both hands to count the number of cars stolen from people I know locally. From RX300's to an F88, which pretty sure was an inside job. Shitheads roam.

I am, yes!
Which IGLA product(s) are you having installed? I've been looking at them for my Z06.

I'm curious as well, I was looking at the Kvant but couldn't actually find pricing on it anywhere w/o having to submit a query.
C'mon man... I've lived in Austin for a decade and seriously don't know a single person who had their cars stolen. Literally not one. It definitely happens, but calling it "really bad" is riduclous.

As a point: New data shows 500 to 600 vehicles were stolen in Austin almost every month this year

7200 vehicles on the high side.

In Dallas: Dallas auto thefts declining after record high in 2023

I was thinking of Houston--there was actually a video done on it. Sorry about that.
Nobody is safe. When I was an NYPD cop (back in the day). I worked the midnights in the subway ghetto's of Bedford -Stuyvesant / East NY. We were getting 3 murders per night ! Some mutts tried to steal my 5 year old Cutlass Supreme right out of our police parking lot ! They got some balls ! One night they actually stole the ECU out of my "marked patrol car" that was parked on the sidewalk of precinct !!
I went down the block to the local fence guy and got it back. I did the wiring repairs right there on the sidewalk !
Another night ,we caught one of the local crackheads stealing a radio out of another cops private car. We told the mutt that he had a 15 seconds head start to flee ....but, he had to go over the razor wired fence. He was a bloody mess in 10 seconds ! We let him go, because we knew it was the best justice we could get.
That is some crazy stuff!! And yes, the best justice was served in the last instance! And "mutts"...it's always interesting to hear the terms for perps from around the country from various LEO folks!! Sounds like you had a hell of a beat!!
Sorry to hear but, props to Covert.
Yeah, seriously, there team was GREAT!! The shop foreman, Matt, took care of it all. A solid dude! All really nice folks there too...from the porters, service runners, etc...to the other customers I was chilling with! It was something like a movie scene when I drove off, like: "hey kid, glad you made it, safe travels!" LOL!!
You all need an OBD2 port blocker. Austin [Edit: I meant Houston--apologies] is really bad, as well as certain parts of California and the east coast. Thieves can break the glass without setting off the ultrasonic alarm, clone a set of keys, and be gone in under 2 minutes. Then your car ends up doing burnouts and set on fire in a street takeover event. I'm a big fan of the VTT design:

Appreciate the info!

CRAZY article!!
Brad, I'm glad it worked out for you in the end, although it's certainly a PITA to deal with the aftermath. And kudos to the dealer.

I generally fall into the camp of "it's insured, I'm not going to lose sleep over worrying about it" but you can't help it, especially with a car like the BW that is so difficult to replace.

I've been to Texas twice. 'nuf said. ;)

Here at work we have about 300 people in the building and associated parking lot. A few years ago they hired full-time security to patrol the lot and keep an eye on things. We still have cars getting stolen, people robbed, etc. so that's not a great comfort. I do occasionally yell at the guard when I see him in the cafeteria or bathroom. "Hey, who's looking after my car!" He knows I'm kidding.

At least, I hope so. :unsure:
Thank you! Yes, that's normally the way I am but this really was a rude awakening!
One system I’ve invested in and my 5BW is next to receive in a couple of days is an IGLA system. Innovative Car Security Technology - IGLA

Forget OBD locks as none I found were not designed for GM ports. The ones claimed, I bought several and after installing, could break them off in due time. The IGLA does not allow programming any new key fobs, period, unless you unlock it with its pin. Only you know the pin code, not even the installer knows. Of course, I added other devices for more “layers” in prevention to the truck and the 5BW will get some of those as well.
The IGLA system sounds interesting. I submitted a request for more information for this device: IGLA OBD Block by IGLA | Innovative Car Security Technology
Funny story. I was taking the family down to Disney World in my new Chevy Suburban. We pulled into a motel somewhere in NC and I pulled out my "blue" Club and attached it to the steering wheel. As soon as the last click locked...I realized I had the key to my "red" Club ! The next morning I walked to a local hardware store (a mile away) and bought a hacksaw and some extra blades. As soon as I started to saw the "The Club", I knew it wasn't gonna work. I just sawed thru the nice leather steering wheel in about 5 seconds and pulled the club off. It cost me a few hundred dollars for a new steering wheel when I got home.
Funny story. I was taking the family down to Disney World in my new Chevy Suburban. We pulled into a motel somewhere in NC and I pulled out my "blue" Club and attached it to the steering wheel. As soon as the last click locked...I realized I had the key to my "red" Club ! The next morning I walked to a local hardware store (a mile away) and bought a hacksaw and some extra blades. As soon as I started to saw the "The Club", I knew it wasn't gonna work. I just sawed thru the nice leather steering wheel in about 5 seconds and pulled the club off. It cost me a few hundred dollars for a new steering wheel when I got home.
Wasn't that the real reason that whole idea disappeared? The two legged animals intent on taking what doesn't belong to them didn't give a shit they were making custom steering wheels.
Which IGLA product(s) are you having installed? I've been looking at them for my Z06.

I'm curious as well, I was looking at the Kvant but couldn't actually find pricing on it anywhere w/o having to submit a query.

The IGLA system sounds interesting. I submitted a request for more information for this device: IGLA OBD Block by IGLA | Innovative Car Security Technology
I purchased the IGLA OBD Block system for my truck. Has to be dealer installed. For example, they only have 2 approved installers in Houston. IGLA is selective on who is chosen to install.

After you start the vehicle, you enter a PIN code or can carry a fob to disarm it. I will add the same to my 5BW. You can change the PIN whenever you want and put it in service mode as needed.

One time purchase and no other fees. Some will feel it’s expensive, but so is the time to deal with a stolen car. I paid $1,500 and didn’t blink. Sure I wish it was cheaper, but it is what it is. It was about a half day install.

I also have some other “layers” of security items that were less expensive to keep the thief busy, but the IGLA will not allow ECM or fob changes to work.
I was thinking of Houston--there was actually a video done on it. Sorry about that.
Houston is about 20k cars a year (figure I found was 55 cars per day). Houston is absolutely massive though.
It can happen anywhere. Some areas are better than others. It seems that downtown and east of Austin can be worse. There were a lot of catalytic converter thefts at the Austin airport over the past months. I live west of the city and we get people that go through unlocked cars in our neighborhood.
When I was a cop, we would get numerous vehicle theft reports in the morning. All down the same street. The people would tell me that " they broke into their car" last night and stole change and whatever else they could find. (One guy had his Rolex and wallet taken !) (Idiot.) I would find no sign of a "break in" and they would swear up and down that they locked their car doors. BS.
It was always the local drug addicts looking for just enough money to get their fix and then sleep all day and do it again the next night.
So... many years ago I moved to the town that I'm in now (Cary, NC) which has an above average income level, low crime and other characteristics that make it often ranked as one of the best cities to live in. When I first got here, I had too much stuff and not enough house, so I put a bunch in storage. One day the storage units were burglarized, a bunch of units were broken-into and stuff taken. I was spared, fortunately. The manager offered everyone new, better locks, so I was in the office getting mine while a city police officer was there taking a report. I asked him, half joking, "hey, I thought we had no crime in this town, what's up with that?"

Well, that struck a nerve, and he started a rant that basically said "what is it with you people? You go for a walk and leave your garage door open and the house unlocked. You start your car in the morning and leave it idling in the driveway (this was back before fobs existed and you had to use a "key") and you get surprised that your house gets robbed and your car gets stolen?"

A few months ago in a neighboring town a woman was robbed and they stole her purse. She's super annoyed, because it had her car fob in it, so now she only had the one (backup) left. Sure enough, a while later they came back and stole her car. She's flabbergasted. I'm just :rolleyes: :hb
Funny story. I was taking the family down to Disney World in my new Chevy Suburban. We pulled into a motel somewhere in NC and I pulled out my "blue" Club and attached it to the steering wheel. As soon as the last click locked...I realized I had the key to my "red" Club ! The next morning I walked to a local hardware store (a mile away) and bought a hacksaw and some extra blades. As soon as I started to saw the "The Club", I knew it wasn't gonna work. I just sawed thru the nice leather steering wheel in about 5 seconds and pulled the club off. It cost me a few hundred dollars for a new steering wheel when I got home.
NOW that sucks donkey balls!
So... many years ago I moved to the town that I'm in now (Cary, NC) which has an above average income level, low crime and other characteristics that make it often ranked as one of the best cities to live in. When I first got here, I had too much stuff and not enough house, so I put a bunch in storage. One day the storage units were burglarized, a bunch of units were broken-into and stuff taken. I was spared, fortunately. The manager offered everyone new, better locks, so I was in the office getting mine while a city police officer was there taking a report. I asked him, half joking, "hey, I thought we had no crime in this town, what's up with that?"

Well, that struck a nerve, and he started a rant that basically said "what is it with you people? You go for a walk and leave your garage door open and the house unlocked. You start your car in the morning and leave it idling in the driveway (this was back before fobs existed and you had to use a "key") and you get surprised that your house gets robbed and your car gets stolen?"

A few months ago in a neighboring town a woman was robbed and they stole her purse. She's super annoyed, because it had her car fob in it, so now she only had the one (backup) left. Sure enough, a while later they came back and stole her car. She's flabbergasted. I'm just :rolleyes: :hb

A colleague of mine lives in Cary, a "bedroom community" as he calls it, he works in RTP.

My next door neighbor always leaves his garage door open, at least during the day. We do, admittedly, live in a "very good" area...but that doesn't mean that the mutts haven't been sniffing around, trying car doors, etc. (because they have). Just as a routine I always close the garage door, unless I'm out in the yard on the other side of the "compound" - then I've got the big bay door on the side (my garage / shop surrounds my house, like an "L" - a pretty sweet setup, especially when you consider it's in the suburbs!). I always lock the front door even when out for a walk...just habit.
Bunch of mouth breathing libtards in Austin that let the criminals run rampant. Sad state of affairs there.

Sorry about your trouble, Brad.

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