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Anyone get their Blackwing badge yet? And are you putting it on?

It was a free badge man. Toss yours if you don't want it. Better yet don't order it at all.
First of all, it wasn’t a free badge. As I remember, one, had to purchase a Blackwing. Secondly, I didn’t order it, Cadillac sent it to me. Finally, I have no intention on tossing it. I just think it looks better in the box. Oh yeah, thanks for the great advice, lol!
Shockingly, after months and months and immediately responding to the first email a long time ago, the subsequent emails, and going through V-Club, etc., my badge FINALLY showed up. Got it installed this weekend.

My Blackwing is now complete. I was close to selling it for a big loss because I couldn't stomach looking at the naked back of the car. It's so beautiful now. I've fallen in love all over again with my beautiful chariot.

:D :D :D :D

new badge bw.jpg
Badge or no badge, it's not hard to understand why people would want something that makes their fancy/expensive/fast sports car to stand out. Especially when it looks nearly identical to the lower, not-fast trim.

If you don't like the badge, keep your opinion to yourself! Let people enjoy their shit. If you want to wrap your car neon pink do it. Not my cup of tea, but hey, whatever makes you happy.
Badge or no badge, it's not hard to understand why people would want something that makes their fancy/expensive/fast sports car to stand out. Especially when it looks nearly identical to the lower, not-fast trim.

If you don't like the badge, keep your opinion to yourself! Let people enjoy their shit. If you want to wrap your car neon pink do it. Not my cup of tea, but hey, whatever makes you happy.
The OP asked if people were installing the badge or not. I said I was keeping it in the box because it look nicer there. I was not impressed by the look of the Blackwing badge. If you don’t like my opinion or others, you’re out of luck
It could be fashioned into a nice tie tack. 🙂
The OP asked if people were installing the badge or not. I said I was keeping it in the box because it look nicer there. I was not impressed by the look of the Blackwing badge. If you don’t like my opinion or others, you’re out of luck
Oh No GIF by The Maury Show

Awe shucks
I like minimal badging on my car, but was fine with throwing it on my PC tower...

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