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Media dumps

Apt analogy, even down to the jingoistic populism.
I’ll say nothing more, though, as rubberduck makes a good point: the value of our opinions will only go down if we continue off topic on the tariffs and shit and it’s not why we’re members of this forum.
Gimme a break. We got people here who can’t figure out how to change their transmission fluid and others who think they’re world macroeconomics experts. Nobody believes anything they say. The more they say, the more their credibility sinks. Just wasted bytes on the server.
Gimme a break. We got people here who can’t figure out how to change their transmission fluid and others who think they’re world macroeconomics experts. Nobody believes anything they say. The more they say, the more their credibility sinks. Just wasted bytes on the server.
I thought I was agreeing with you?
Gimme a break. We got people here who can’t figure out how to change their transmission fluid and others who think they’re world macroeconomics experts. Nobody believes anything they say. The more they say, the more their credibility sinks. Just wasted bytes on the server.
How do you know what we do for a living?
Gimme a break. We got people here who can’t figure out how to change their transmission fluid and others who think they’re world macroeconomics experts. Nobody believes anything they say. The more they say, the more their credibility sinks. Just wasted bytes on the server.
Hey the macroeconomics degree I got at the bottom of a cracker jack box sits proudly next to my three legged race participation trophy! Certainly more useful than this masters in cybersecurity I went into serious debt for.

I do find it rich that other countries are allowed to tariff the US for decades but will scream to the heavens when someone threatens to reciprocate. Not taking a side but it is interesting to see. If it's important for say Canada to protect important domestic industries then it should also be important for the US. I watched manufacturing get outsourced all around me where I grew up and it broke my heart. I had to move far away and get into the information economy because apparently we aren't supposed to make physical things in this country anymore. Not sure who made that decision but it certainly wasn't the people I grew up with.
Back on the subject of 'Media' mentions of the Blackwing ...

The latest 'Smoking Tire' podcast has a review of the MC20 GT2 Stradale mid-engined supercar, and they went off on a tangent about how that car's review drive was ruined for them because they drove a CT5-V Blackwing to it -- which was just as fast but had better brakes than the supercar :LOL:

Now, this is in no way instrumented and just based on 'feels' but it was fun to hear them gushing over the Blackwing.
The stock tires should not be driven under 50 degrees. If you drive them under 30 degrees, you will damage them.
A little extra caution is probably better at $350+ a tire, but the temps are bit lower*:

Note: Tires exposed to temperatures of 20 degrees F (-7 degrees C) or lower must be permitted to gradually return to temperatures of at least 40 degrees F (5 degrees C) for at least 24 hours before they are flexed in any manner, such as by adjusting inflation pressures, mounting them on wheels or using them to support, roll or drive a vehicle.

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If the car is stored over the winter in an unheated cold garage is flat spotting the tires an issue? Maybe put the car on jack stands?
If the car is stored over the winter in an unheated cold garage is flat spotting the tires an issue? Maybe put the car on jack stands?
They talk about this at Spring Mountain and if the vehicle is sitting unmoved so there is a constant point of pressure in the same spot of the tire in the cold it can cause cracking. The Spring Mountain instructor recommended putting the vehicle in air.
Took it out today, it’s 52 or so. I smashed up a S4 once by driving it on performance tires in the winter once. So I don’t take the BW out till is 45 and sunny. No way I’d take it out in sub 40 weather. It had been sitting for three weeks now. But it fired right up. It’s been an actual mid Atlantic winter so far, so had limited driving opportunities. If I decide to move to Mn full time I’ll get extra rims with winter tires.
The stock tires should not be driven under 50 degrees. If you drive them under 30 degrees, you will damage them.
It's actually 40 and 20 degrees, but obviously if you live in a climate that sees winter you get winter-capable tires. It's not an excuse not to drive the car.
"The lap comparison with the Porsche Panamera Turbo S, the quickest gas-powered four-door, is interesting, with the Cadillac ahead by 0.8 second at Oak Tree but the Porsche reeling back all of that time, primarily in the Infield, leading to a photo finish in which the Caddy comes up a tenth short.

Any thoughts on now it loses this almost 1 sec lead? The Panamera weighs so much more, pls make it make sense...
"The lap comparison with the Porsche Panamera Turbo S, the quickest gas-powered four-door, is interesting, with the Cadillac ahead by 0.8 second at Oak Tree but the Porsche reeling back all of that time, primarily in the Infield, leading to a photo finish in which the Caddy comes up a tenth short.

Any thoughts on now it loses this almost 1 sec lead? The Panamera weighs so much more, pls make it make sense...
AWD in the turns? should enable faster exits with the power on sooner (vs the BW that has to be neutral before really throttling up)
"The lap comparison with the Porsche Panamera Turbo S, the quickest gas-powered four-door, is interesting, with the Cadillac ahead by 0.8 second at Oak Tree but the Porsche reeling back all of that time, primarily in the Infield, leading to a photo finish in which the Caddy comes up a tenth short.

Any thoughts on now it loses this almost 1 sec lead? The Panamera weighs so much more, pls make it make sense...

The Panamera is underrated power wise and easily runs 10s 1/4 at ~127mph. An auto 5BW is capable of doing that too but it's more likely a hero run and hard to replicate back to back as the blower gets heat into it. Couple that with how the Panamera puts the power down out of the corner and the quick shifting PDK, it makes up lost ground on the straights.

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