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What would you do?


Seasoned Member
Aug 7, 2023
RTP, NC, USA, Earth
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
CT5-V BW 6spd
So I was driving to work yesterday and at a red traffic light I'm behind a C5 Corvette, a bright yellow one, nice and clean, some kind of silly vanity plate on it, and there's one car in front of him and it's three lanes of traffic in 45MPH zone where everyone does 55+. It's dry and clear and still dark.

The light turns green, and the Corvette guy takes off, he's got an aftermarket exhaust and he wants everyone to know, so as soon as he can (literally with about 20 yards) he nails it, changes lanes to pass the car in front of him and zooms up the road leaving all of us poor plebian commuters in his dust.

I, pretending to be a mature, rational responsible human being, just toodled along in my senior citizen car and went to work. But as I'm going up the road I thought, wouldn't it have been fun to tailgate him through all of that and then as soon as it was clear, blow past him in my four door sedan? There were no law enforcement officers visible. I've never seen one there that time of day.

I guess I should have made this a poll. Who would have done that? LOL, take that, plastic Chevy boy.

Full disclosure: I am a former plastic Chevy owner.
I don’t waste time racing cars I know I can beat. Risk- reward and all that. And I have a silly vanity plate.

But it is reassuring to know that my first thoughts are as juvenile as others.
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LOL to all of you guys.

I had a vanity plate on my first plastic car. I worked with a woman who had her name (let's say it was Brenda) on her Porsche 944, and she got rid of the plate. I asked her why, and she said that she'd be driving through town and guys would yell at her "Hey Brenda!".

I stopped getting those plates because I do sometimes occasionally once in a while get a tad bit aggressive on the road, and I don't need people to remember me. The generic GM black sedan is not as memorable as "FSTRTHNU" or whatever...
LOL to all of you guys.

I had a vanity plate on my first plastic car. I worked with a woman who had her name (let's say it was Brenda) on her Porsche 944, and she got rid of the plate. I asked her why, and she said that she'd be driving through town and guys would yell at her "Hey Brenda!".

I stopped getting those plates because I do sometimes occasionally once in a while get a tad bit aggressive on the road, and I don't need people to remember me. The generic GM black sedan is not as memorable as "FSTRTHNU" or whatever...
I probably have the only Shadow 5BW in town so when I get aggressive people will remember me. Besides a decent dashcam will pickup the plate.

What an odd similarity, my plate is BRENDA too. Poor schmuck will be saying “I got my ass smoked by trans Brenda.”
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So I was driving to work yesterday and at a red traffic light I'm behind a C5 Corvette, a bright yellow one, nice and clean, some kind of silly vanity plate on it, and there's one car in front of him and it's three lanes of traffic in 45MPH zone where everyone does 55+. It's dry and clear and still dark.

The light turns green, and the Corvette guy takes off, he's got an aftermarket exhaust and he wants everyone to know, so as soon as he can (literally with about 20 yards) he nails it, changes lanes to pass the car in front of him and zooms up the road leaving all of us poor plebian commuters in his dust.

I, pretending to be a mature, rational responsible human being, just toodled along in my senior citizen car and went to work. But as I'm going up the road I thought, wouldn't it have been fun to tailgate him through all of that and then as soon as it was clear, blow past him in my four door sedan? There were no law enforcement officers visible. I've never seen one there that time of day.

I guess I should have made this a poll. Who would have done that? LOL, take that, plastic Chevy boy.

Full disclosure: I am a former plastic Chevy owner.
Any pics this time? :_rock
Maybe, depends how I'm feeling but if its a commute in the AM I probably wouldn't have bothered.

Might have given him some revs at the next traffic light though.
My wife knows my tell before I even engage some asshat on the road. I adjust my body on the seat, clear my throat, and then at the mirror check she starts with the Debbie Downer beat down. TBH, I'm 12 on the inside, so I'd be dead or in jail without her....buuuut, yeah, giving plastic-man a rear view filled with a revised Cadillac crest was the move.
Be careful. You never know when that innocent-looking old C5 has something under the hood that didn't come from the factory.


This was mine. Built LS3-based 416 stroker. 550 rwhp. Upgraded suspension.

You should've smoked him.

I gave a model 3 a lesson the other day. I was shocked it could nearly keep up.

You have to take advantage of these rare situations where you encounter someone else who is actually driving instead of pushing their head further up their phone in blithering oblivion.
You handled it correctly!
I generally agree - its usually not worth it....but sometimes one just can;t help it. (good to do a check around first though if you can).

I often find other folks racing me and I'm sometimes confused....but then I get it. Its just me driving like I do and other folks think I'm actually trying to race or some such. I usually just let them blow by and carry on as is....though there are times...(just can't be helped).

I have to admit though it always seems more satisfying in a vehicle where folks aren't expecting it....like in my GTI where there are subtle clues (and sounds) but otherwise most folks wouldn't even know...

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