Burning Smell? I bought at 2022 5V BW WITH THE 6MT two weeks ago. It has about 20k miles and is Cadiliac certified. Here is what is interesting… the day it arrived on the trailer it had two nails in the tires (the dealer bought a new tire) but also within 5 min of driving it I smelt this aweful burning smell. I thought it was worse in the right rear. Anyway, it’s been at the dealer for over a week and they have been working with Cadiliac to find the problem. They thought it was something with the ebrake and performed a reprogramming to no avail. Now they are saying the smell happens from the vents even when the car is not moving? Seems to rule out the transmission. Glad it’s on warranty but it’s getting old. I’d like to drive it before it’s completely paid off. Any thoughts out there or has anyway experienced something similar with a burning smell that is hard to trace down?