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Track Mode

Here are some slides from Spring Mountain regarding PTM PTM question

Also, per my notes regarding traction control (TC) and stability control (SC), they said both are 100% for Wet, both reduced for Dry, about 50% for both for Sport, TC reduced and SC off for Race 1, and TC reduced more and SC off for Race 2. (That's what is shown on the previous post photo, but with numbers)

Another note I took under PTM Sport says:
TC and SC are on even if it says off.
If all is off and nothing is on at the bottom of the screen, it's off
By law, the traction control and stability control lights must come on anytime a drive setting reduces those systems from the fully ON setting.
Thanks, Ty88. This bit about the lights clarifies the ambiguity in the Manual. It's disappointing that Cadillac didn't bother to explain that a light saying a nanny is off doesn't necessarily mean it is off.

Spring Mountain instructors probably are the best authority on these systems after the engineers at Cadillac who designed them.

Do you remember what L/C means?

It's great to know that ESC is fully off in RACE 1 and 2. I won't be using those.

In another thread, raptor 5244 said that Competition Mode is the opposite, with ESC on but reduced and Traction Control off. That is what I would like to have for aggressive twisty road driving. Do you happen to remember if that was mentioned at Spring Mountain?
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Here are some slides from Spring Mountain regarding PTM PTM question

Also, per my notes regarding traction control (TC) and stability control (SC), they said both are 100% for Wet, both reduced for Dry, about 50% for both for Sport, TC reduced and SC off for Race 1, and TC reduced more and SC off for Race 2. (That's what is shown on the previous post photo, but with numbers)

Another note I took under PTM Sport says:
TC and SC are on even if it says off.
If all is off and nothing is on at the bottom of the screen, it's off
Thanks, Dirkbg. I didn't see your post as that thread ended before I got interested in this issue and it didn't come up in my searches. Between your slides and Ty88's I think I have a good understanding of PTM.
Does competitive mode display on the dash somewhere if you turn it on? I haven't figured out how to get the car into this mode yet.
It displays in words in the right display window then disappears after a few seconds.
And you shift drive mode to Track.

Nope. Steering and suspension are def not track. Unless you go Sport PTM in Vmode in which case it will go to track suspension but still sport steering. You can use PTM dry with sport suspension though.
Does competitive mode display on the dash somewhere if you turn it on? I haven't figured out how to get the car into this mode yet.
The timing of the double button tap can be a bit tricky, but as Duckee notes there will be a message displayed on the dash. Try pushing the button twice in rapid succession.
Does competitive mode display on the dash somewhere if you turn it on? I haven't figured out how to get the car into this mode yet.
In Sport, when you enter Competitive Mode, you'll get a brief notice on the cluster, but the only on-going indication is the TC and ESC lights are on.
Here is a pic I took at spring mountain when they spoke about the traction management system. Note:

PTM modes only available in track mode.

Traction control and stability control reduce effect as you move PTM from wet to race 2 but never turn fully off.

By law, the traction control and stability control lights must come on anytime a drive setting reduces those systems from the fully ON setting.

Hope this helps some.
This is very helpful. Did the instructors speak at all as to how traction stability levels differ between Competitive Drive mode and say Race 1 or Race 2?

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