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The Wave Metallic thread

When the sun hits juuuuuuust right…. 🔥


The natural state of my blackwing - it's litterally spent more time on the lift than on the ground since it was delivered to the dealer
Is Wave the same color as Elkart Lake Blue from the Corvette?
Is Wave the same color as Elkart Lake Blue from the Corvette?
No. It's the same as Riverside blue on the Camaro. Elkhart is a lighter shade.
Finally! Built in December...


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Not exactly Wave Metallic, but take a look at this A-Hole that wrapped his blue Panamera (Possibly Gentian Blue, which is equal to Wave Metallic, IMO) with matte white. I yelled at him for disgracing the greater blue car owner population, but I don't think he could hear me over the LT4. (more likely ignored for being a crazy blue car lover)
Not exactly Wave Metallic, but take a look at this A-Hole that wrapped his blue Panamera (Possibly Gentian Blue, which is equal to Wave Metallic, IMO) with matte white. I yelled at him for disgracing the greater blue car owner population, but I don't think he could hear me over the LT4. (more likely ignored for being a crazy blue car lover)View attachment 19440
The atrocity
I opened the garage the other day during a sun shower and...Bam! There she is, with that beautiful Wave Blue set against a vibrant green backdrop and reflecting off the asphalt.

View attachment 26250

View attachment 26251

Uhhhh are you still on the winters?

Hate to break it to you... but winter's over.

Also did you get some sort of Porsche drop top? Post the pics!
Also did you get some sort of Porsche drop top? Post the pics!

Back to the... what in the ass end of a porsche is that in your garage, @Throat Yogurt ?

Not relevant in a Wave thread, but... 996.2 C4 Cab 6MT. Replaced my S2000.


It's a pretty good partner to the 4BW, and a totally different driving experience. More relaxed, looks the part, analog charm, makes all the right noises, won't be losing value anytime soon.
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Going to be taking a look at a Wave Metallic CT4 V BW next week. Let’s bump this up and see some pics!

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