Blah blah blah. Getting sideways on a wide right of left turn, with no traffic, no pedestrian at under 50mph……. I shouldn’t do that? why even own a rwd performance car?
A menace

. Only risk is to my self, and it’s minimal. The roads we drive on are a menace full of inattentive drivers
Even spirited driving in “track” mode the nanny’s are intrusive Af. Throttle response, which is amazing in this car is dulled unless in ptm race 2.
I do turn everything off, but it is rare. Race 2 is perfect for some fun. I really liked my f80 in Mdm with the euro Mdm coding.
On a 15 mile or so round trip drive, I got the car sideways with some fun slip angle in 2nd gear 2 times. Beautiful Sunday drive. I am by no means as experienced as some of the guys here, but I have seen my fair share of auto-x and usually was usually extremely competitive in my respective classes. I have also drove very high homo, sketchy cars before all this traction stuff was put in modern cars.
I did not buy my car to drive in touring all day waiting for the 1/2 days a year to larp around a proper track, and then larp around with all the Nannie’s on.