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Separating CT4-V CT5-V CT6-V Blackwings

As most owners of these vehicles are old men, the ones that purchased the 5BW with M6 simply have them as garage queens. They go out, maybe once a month until their left leg stiffens up with arthritis. You’ll never see one as a daily driver.
I do find it interesting that this is now THE Blackwing forum but it definitely wasn’t not, and still is not, the busiest forum for CTS Vs and ATS Vs.

I think a lot of it is due to Rob doing all that incredible work with the order tracking. I think about 90 percent of the activity on this forum was harassing Rob about order status at that time.

Maybe we aren’t allowed to talk about the other forums here, but there is not nearly as much Blackwing activity in those other forums due to most of us being active here.
"I think a lot of it is due to Rob doing all that incredible work with the order tracking. I think about 90 percent of the activity on this forum was harassing Rob about order status at that time."

Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner. .
That is what drew me to this board. After that I stayed for the scintillating conversations. A10 bad, M6 good. LOL.
As most owners of these vehicles are old men, the ones that purchased the 5BW with M6 simply have them as garage queens. They go out, maybe once a month until their left leg stiffens up with arthritis. You’ll never see one as a daily driver.
Seriously! I drive my 5BW 6M every day, 12 months a year and track it regularly. Yes, I am 71 and I couldn't have afforded the car when I was younger mainly because I spent all my money of formula car racing. :) You might be shocked at just what many of the 5BW 6M owners do with their cars. We aren't a bunch of Corvette owners. :)
I waited several years looking for a 4 passenger, supercharged, manual gearbox car to replace my greatly missed Audi S4. An A10 might be faster but I want the driving engagement both on the street and the racetrack provided by the manual.
Seriously! I drive my 5BW 6M every day, 12 months a year and track it regularly. Yes, I am 71 and I couldn't have afforded the car when I was younger mainly because I spent all my money of formula car racing. :) You might be shocked at just what many of the 5BW 6M owners do with their cars. We aren't a bunch of Corvette owners. :)
I waited several years looking for a 4 passenger, supercharged, manual gearbox car to replace my greatly missed Audi S4. An A10 might be faster but I want the driving engagement both on the street and the racetrack provided by the manual.
You rock on sir!
As most owners of these vehicles are old men, the ones that purchased the 5BW with M6 simply have them as garage queens. They go out, maybe once a month until their left leg stiffens up with arthritis. You’ll never see one as a daily driver.

Not sure if this post is serious or just poking fun.

My M6 BW5 is a part-time daily (live in Orlando) and is absoutely not a garage queen. My wife co-drives. :D

View attachment CGC_7503.jpg

A co-worker of mine was an instructor/track driver at Summit Point and he used to laugh about the Ferrari drivers - most of whom just wanted to cruise around the track (at safe slow speeds) just to say they took their cars to the track but were mortified when he actually tried to get them to drive their cars hard. I know this isn't all Ferrari drivers but still got a chuckle out of hearing that.
As most owners of these vehicles are old men, the ones that purchased the 5BW with M6 simply have them as garage queens. They go out, maybe once a month until their left leg stiffens up with arthritis. You’ll never see one as a daily driver.
Ha! My 2024 CT5BW manual is my daily driver, same as my manual 2004 & 2010 CTS-V's were. It will get +-12,000 miles a year or so. My philosophy has always been that if you drive a lot, it's best to have a car you love as your daily.

I'm debating if we have enough snow days to get dedicated winter wheels/tires for it. The 2004 & 2010 were absolute beasts in the winter with dedicated winter tires. I could drive through 10" of unplowed snow no problem.

My 'other' car is a 1993 Bentley Brooklands with all-season tires which is passable, but not good, in the snow. And it breaks a lot... So it's not a great alternative to the Blackwing for winter.
As most owners of these vehicles are old men, the ones that purchased the 5BW with M6 simply have them as garage queens. They go out, maybe once a month until their left leg stiffens up with arthritis. You’ll never see one as a daily driver.
Female in her 30s here. My 5BW MT is not my daily- not b/c it's a MT, but b/c it's too nice/special of a car (regardless of they type of transmission). With that said, it's not just a garage queen. It's a track star as well! I track it, drive it & love it.

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