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Purchasing a CT5-V Blackwing in FL

I found this heavily optioned BW. Can anyone explain the options? The “CARBON FIBER SEATBACK DELETE negative 2900” has me baffled. Almost $20,000 in options!
I think that the carbon fiber package includes the seat backs. If you order the carbon fiber seat backs, AND the carbon fiber seat backs, you would subtract the carbon fiber seat back cost because it’s included in the package. At least I think that’s what it means.
Thank you Sir! I mainly want to understand the seat options. I sat in a CT4 BW with racing seats (Recaro?) and I thought they were rather uncomfortable. I hope the seats in this BW are more comfortable because I am seriously considering this car that is over 1000 miles away. Does anyone have feedback on these options? Are there any major options or packages missing that you would recommend - technology package, etc?
I had an ATS -V with the Recaro seats. In my opinion, they were not as comfortable as the regular seats and certainly not worth the extra money.
I got regular seats in my 23 CT5V BW and they are just fine. Of course, I’m 85, and the only racing I do is to get to the bathroom.
Can anyone explain the options? The “CARBON FIBER SEATBACK DELETE negative 2900” has me baffled.
The $8090 seating package has carbon fiber on the back of the front seats. Because of carbon fiber restraints, the seat backs have been replaced with suede seat backs, thus the $2900 credit.

Looking it over, it looks like a beautiful build. Good luck.

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